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Old 06-29-2002, 12:19 PM
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I recently came across these comments on TFD. Thought you would like to read them.

A customer on 6/28/2002 writes:
ok.I'v heard some bad reviews for this game and multiplayer mode and about the people that what.just dont play in that server anymore.i mean my god u people are stupid.Just make your own server and kick the cheaters.Jesus are u guys that dense.

A customer on 6/28/2002 writes:
Well here it is ...

Delta Force / Task Force Dagger is the fourth release in the Delata Force series from Novalogic. Unfortunately, the game does not deliver the goods. This game plays alot like "Land Warrior" and there is little if not any new changes in the game play. A new concept introduced into the game, is the ability to play as 1 of 10 Special Forces soldiers (from Delta to Brithish S.A.S), the only downfall is that once you select your character you will be stuck playing w/ that character for the rest of the campaign. There are also a few bugs in the game. As you fire your weapon into some of the windows ( in a building ) on level 1&2 the glass breaks only to have the glass image remain on the window frame. Another detail I did not like, was the way your player was inserted into the mission (via-airborne). As you land into the enemy field, you are litteraly dropped of in the Talibans dinner table, which sadly leads to unrealistic game play. Zombie's contribution to the game can be heard through out different levels. There are many sounds from enemy soldiers which are simmilar to those in SpecOps (Zombie Studios). I will have to say that this game will have a hard time pleasing players that are used to "Ghost Recon" standards (Red Storm Entertainment). It is safe to say that this game plays more like an arcade (first person shooter) than a first person "tactical simmulation". As last... if you enjoyed, and or are a fan of the Delta Force series "you will probabbly enjoy this game", it is everything you will expect from Delta Force. If you have never played any of the Delta Force games, then purchase Delta Force 2. This version actually plays more like a tactical-simm, and if you look hard enough, you will be able to puchase it at the bargain bin for $$ dollars.

Until then...

Dupont (Texans)( on 6/27/2002
Me and my squad have written to NOVALOGIC over the last few years with regards of their total lack of service, and have since moved onto other games. Nice to see that Nova wants to cash in on 9/11 for personal gain - thats really too bad. Novalogic, you should be embarrassed.

Too bad the fun has left Delta Force, it was at one time a respectable game for many, plagued now by lonely cheaters who dont do anything else in their lives and a company that virtually backs them up by giving us false promises of keeping cheaters out (like they told our squad and others they would do when Land Warrior was released). It's also strange how when new releases come out or are about to come out, more cheaters all of a sudden "arrive" - probably Nova's own software team. Nova, your games have become virtually tiresome, time to not buy from you anymore. Guess I'll pull out some good games, like virtually any FPS from RedStorm, or America's army when it comes out.

I don't even have to play TFD to know it will be a waste of money. I wouldn't play TFD if you sent it to me for free.

JohnBlandford( on 6/27/2002
I was really stoked to get this game. I loved the whole Delta Force series, expecially the MP aspect of it. But now I get this, a rehash of Landwarrior with pityful MP features. There are no Co-Op maps!!!!! What fun is it to keep running the same little area continually getting shot by the same player who had a cheat for the game weeks before it was even released. I want to run into a cave with a coop team and kick Osama's ass but they didn't give anyone that option.

The new weapons are nice and the new weapon sounds are cool too, but not cool enough to justify the cost of this game.

Be smart, save your money and wait until they put out a few patches to correct these problems.

A customer on 6/27/2002 writes:
Hi guys. I just want to comment on the ridiculous bashing of the DF series games by a particular poster or should I say poser on this review board. It seems as if we have one guy ticked off because he sucks online and can only bash a decent, although sometimes unrealistic, FPS. All the "bad" reviews I have read sound like the same dude just whining about his lack of skills. I have played the DF games since their first release and have been generally satisfied putting in a lot of hours online. Yes, there are cheaters. Yes, it does tick you off. But it's not in every server, or there wouldn't be thousands logged in to play. I agree on one point, Novalogic is a little behind the times as far as graphics are concerned. But with upcoming improvements we should see a big difference. As far as DF:TFD, it does look similar to LW. My advice is to ask yourself, "Do I really wanna shell out the dough to play additional maps and a few new features?" If your a hardcore gamer with money to burn go for it. If your saving up your $3.00 a week allowance you may want to make your decisions with some more thought. Just don't let some jack%$@ talk you out of it because he sucks at the game. I'm out!

DesertFox2002CaptainFox( ) on 6/26/2002
The game probably just arrived at your door step today how are you giving all those negative reviews on the game. If your so chicken of cheaters, do a couple of things.

1.) Don't play on novaworld.
2.) Set your own little public game up with anti
cheat software.
3.) Or grow up and realize it's just a game if your so afraid of the drop the soap squad form your own anti-clenzing group and wash soaps ass because even soap needs to be cleaned.

A customer on 6/26/2002 writes:
i cant see why anyone would waste money on any nova products, their graphics are terrible compared to a company like edios or electronicarts. the customer support is non existent. im still waiting for a reply from 6 months ago.looking at the screen shots on dftfd it looks like a rehashed version of land warrior.the same voxil looking characters and the same stupid looking maps. they slapped this together pretty fast. i'll continue to play on the multiplayer only because im on a squad. but with all the quality games coming out novalogic is going to left in the dust. dont waste your money on this one, spend your hard earned money on somthing you'll enjoy for a long time. this isnt it

A customer on 6/26/2002 writes:
If you like fighting in an online world with absolutely no cover where people with scoped rocket launchers kill you at 1000 meters + than by all means buy this POS. This game is probably the worst of the Delta Force series in graphics,gameplay, and sound. I have found nothing that holds my attention in single player and multiplayer is a snipe fest nightmare where people camp the spawn with a PSG at 900 meters. The netcode has to be the worst I have ever seen in any multiplayer game with players warping and sidesteping all over the place even on a fast ADSL connection. To add to all the multiplayer frustration, every server has at least one person cheating and completly ruining any ounce of enjoyment you could squeeze out of this bag of puke. America's Army comes out soon to fill our first person shooter needs so take my advice and save $$ for something eles a lot more enjoyable. Once again, IT IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED THAT YOU DO NOT BUY THIS GAME.

SOAP*TCB*( on 6/25/2002
Yes people buy this game, so i can show you how to die, and yes the delta force series is full of cheaters now, but we the elite cheaters have decided to keep the cheats to ourselfs, so come on buy the game, ill show yah how to die !!!

Splinter Cell( on 6/25/2002
While I find it a nice idea to run through Afgayistan and shoot down Al Gayeda terrorist point blank in the face and laugh as they die in writhing agony:-) I find Delta Force to not really put all the pieces together as nicely as Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon or Sum of all Fears games. First I can tell you that the engine to this game has not changed since Delta Force 2, and that game I think came out in 199 something???? Its 2002 Nova I think you can get a upgrade by now. The enemy A.I. is just as lame and cartoonish as it was in Delta 1,2, & 3. And the maps are just as vast as a country as the previous games which can sometimes get you just plain lost as to where your going. But in all fairness I have seen much worse these past months, with S.o.F 2 and Medal of Honor :Frontline being some of the most terrible FPS games I have seen this is probally mediocore at best. The idea is there but the design is not. And unless Novalogics plans are just to cash in on the aftermath of September 11 tragedy then I feel Novalogic design team should be sent to Afgayistan to get some real world experience before they capitilize on it. Buy it if you wish, its not terrible but if YOU want a game that will give you a real taste of military combat then get Ghost Recon as nothing can beat it thus far.
Keep you head low,
and your barrels high,
and may your aim be true,
or I will see you DIE!!!!!
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