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Old 08-24-2005, 04:48 PM
katana*GFR* is offline katana*GFR*

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REQUEST, Coding a site.

Still needed urgently, someone that is able to php code the site. Steve finished the layout and if all went well Panther did the slicing on the template.

I now need someone that is able to code the things i need.
Something like panthers image script, also working for little movies ( different formats perhaps?)
A news section script, and the admin parts so the pics and movies can be uploaded. And the news added.

This week is the start of the party and i really wish to have the site running asap.

Please help me out???
I will be on TS as long as possible, since i have to get to work tomorrow.
I'll turn MSN also on ( ) and i hope someone sees this and is able to helpme out tonight.

Otherwise i'll post a email adress for the one that is able to upload it all, but it needs a little detailed information then.

*old message below*

I was asked to c if i could find a few people that are willing to help me on a php driven site, and also make the template.

My brother is a volunteer for the yearly festival week in a village near me.
My guess is that in the beginning the site will be visited by around 100 youth, and that will grow, when the site gets some more publicity.

They are planning on making a old time tradition come back, and wanted to have a site also. I have given them space to get there site hosted, but unfortunately those guys working there seem more intetested in rugby ( yes rugby, not the weak american football j/k ) then webdesign etc.

And since they dont have a big budget for paying for the site layout etc. i was wondering of some of you good guys here was willing to help them out.

These guys give up lots of free time to give the youth 1 hell of a good week, and some of them are "working" 6 weeks in a row for the festivity's to get it all sorted and running.
I know lots of those guys, and some of them put in 2 weeks of free days of work, just to help out there.

So if you are willing to give those guys a site and layout please reply here, and i'll come up with details on what is needed.
I'm willing to sponsor a little amount for the site and layout from my own pocket.
Next to the fact that i host there site at a url of there own choice. So no advent of my side there.

Please help me out... I hope that a temp site can be set up within 2 weeks, becasause the festivity's start in the 3rd week of Sept.
I just been asked for this today, so its short time...

For those willing to help me out, your link(s) go at the bottom of each page.
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And if Newton Faulkner's voice can be described as "R&B" then Kurt Cobain must be a member of Boyz II Men.
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Last edited by katana*GFR*; 09-18-2005 at 03:44 PM.
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