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Old 06-22-2002, 01:37 PM
HD135 is offline HD135
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Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 58


Great, informative replies, all of them. There were a few surprises in the feedback too. I had no idea that someone on a 56K could even compete with cable and DSL players. And why is it that a faster connection means more deaths? I had not considered the relationship between high settings and game play either but will be investigating it in short order. I'm playing on a 600mhz P3, tnt2/128bit graphics card, 384mb RAM, 17in monitor, with optical wheel mouse. Connect with cable. I have fun and occassionally I'm competitive with it. However, there are those times when I run into someone that is so much better it's scary. While I am still forming the idea of pulling the trigger they have already done so, killed me, and are shooting someone else. It made me wonder if their equipment was the big difference. Think I will pacify myself with a new monitor for the time being and take it from there. Flat screen the way to go, eh?
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