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Old 07-07-2005, 10:31 AM
Trojan is offline Trojan
honest toil

Join Date: Feb 2005
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Thursday July 7th, 2005

Well it's been a great week. Sunday and Monday I went to my Dads to celebrate the 4th of July. He bought all the fireworks and food. It was a great time. Sunday night, my foster sister, her husband and child and my daughter and me all bbq'ed chicken on the grill and shot fireworks. Monday night, my daughter went with them to a large fireworks show in a city park. There were about 15,000 people. I went back to my Dads to celebrate with my older brother his family monday night. Dad prolly spent $100 or more on fireworks. What fun he had. The best part was seeing Dad shoot these huge artillery shells two and a time out of these big tubes. They were awesome. I think he had more fun than the kids did.

Tuesday, I babysat My older sisters kids and my daughter all afternoon. They all play great together.

Wednesday I spent the afternoon cutting the lawn on the big tractor with shirt off. Got a little sun and sweated out the toxins, heh.

Today, I slept in. When I woke I got a cup of coffee and sat down at my desk. I came to NovaHQ and looked around. I saw that a NHQ member had made me a sig for the heck of it. I was real suprised and pleased to recieve such a great gift. The member s name is echoz. And here is what he did for me. It took about an hour 15 minutes to complete.

Thank you echoz very much. You made my day m8.

Earlier in the week, a Trojan's Militia member Jeff, made all of us (Trojan
s Militia) a cool button/avy to display.

That made my day also. Thank you very much Jeff.

You guys have helped me have a great week thus far. Thanks for everything you do here at NHQ.

Well, time to get to work. I'm a bit more awake and heading to admin. I hope everyone has a good day. Cheers!

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