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Old 05-01-2005, 08:33 PM
Xx_jet_xX is offline Xx_jet_xX
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Originally posted by score
Yeah that's what I said!
thought you sugested making a shortcut to the directory itself. my bad, sorry lol

now for the actual reply:

I would reinstall the game completly(delete the game directory itself after uninstall) if i were you, sounds like you have a corrupted file. what mods are you using if any? the suggested order to install the mods are:

1. DF: LW Expansion Pack (EXP)

2. DF:LW EXP Fix

3. DF2 Objects to DFLW

4. Task Force Dagger Items to DFLW

5. DFTFD Terrains to DFLW

6. DF1 Terrains for DFLW A

7. DF1 Terrains for DFLW B

8. 666 mod

Be sure to update the game before installing any mods, as well as add the no-cd patch before. ive reinstalled many times following those steps and have had no trouble at all.


Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day. -George Carlin
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