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Old 04-18-2005, 07:47 AM
Lakie is offline Lakie

Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 5,540

enterprise was a last ditch attempt and it didnt work, enterprise tried to capture what made stargate sg1 so popular except they stuffed it up. Stargate captured the minds of so many people because it was the Military as we know it today, with recognizable rankings, uniforms and guns that viewers, even if they wernt militarily inlcined could understand and identify with, right down to Cheyenne Mountain Base, Even with Tealcs weapons, they were few but were consistent and we all got to know them. Stargate played on the "What is the government up to" conspiracy that is alive in many people. Ask people if they have ever wondered if the US govt is up to something similar after watching a few episodes. Its this reason ill say that Atlantis wont last nearly as long...

Enterprise tried to play on that by taking it into the not to distant future (2050 from memory) but it still didt work, they couldnt find that happy medium between hard-core sci-fi fans which they had for all these years and the average viewing public.
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