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Old 04-11-2005, 02:23 PM
-live-wire- is offline -live-wire-
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Re: My Views on Delta Force: Extreme

[i]Originally posted by Doughboy

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I thought "Great, DF1 ruled," being one of the people who played (actually started off my online gaming in it) in Delta Force 1. But now, all I see is Novalogic continue to screw everyone so they can scam you out of more of your hard earned money.

You took the words right out of my fingers! I am saving my 20$, but I have a finger to offer tax either...I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up, I tried to play Delta Force 1 yesterday but some puke hacked down the server..Thank you Nova for watching out for us... (insert finger...where-ever suits you best)

We're all in a giant car heading towards a brick wall at 100 m.p.h. and everybody is arguing about where they want to sit.
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