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Old 03-24-2005, 10:32 AM
DevilDog#1 is offline DevilDog#1

Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 7,040

While we're talking politics I was reading that there's a sect based post election struggle going on in Kyrgyzstan, majority Kyrgy are Sunni Muslims and minority Kurds (Shiath sect), yep same ones in power in Afghanistan, Iran, and Iraq, possibly, making trouble in Syria, Saudi, and with Trukey.

Our intellience and military is "courting" with them, over throwing local Sunni majority governments and then creating unstable local minority based governments which we can dictate. Sounds like a plan to another disaster to me. Reminds me of 60s and 70s.

If I don't do that doesn't mean I can't - DD#1
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