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Old 03-04-2005, 12:13 AM
Hellfighter is offline Hellfighter
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will i can see China will soon buy the USA country out soon, sucking up all the cash flow their way. American people soon be homeless and out of work do it the pay rate vs China employee get pay and the over head is really low do to tax's.

there is one thing that can kill the Lenovo PC's the China Standers are low and workmanship is cheaper. then some high grade system that last longer, so their PC may not last long as the high grade system would that are made in the USA or some other country's.

really think it be better to make your own system at less you know what your getting in it.

China is good at making copy's of hardware for the PC some are knockoff so watch-out for them knockoff too.

sorry if i hurt any one feeling but i for one will never trust anything made in china other then a flower pot and dishes to eat off on.

i for one got stuck with a Cd Writer that was a knock off made in China and there was a block in the USA for it not to be sold in the states it was and Gateway Mfg had to pay a heavy fine for it Fed's got them but good. i gone out call Africa a MFG if this Cd writer they told me to get another Cd-Writer their brand and send them the Slip of sales for it, they pay me half on what it cost me talk about a rebate cost USD-80.00 i only pay USD-40.00 after i rec-the rebate it was made in UK. it doing great, the knockoff use to crash my system like crazy no more crashes for me.
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Last edited by Hellfighter; 03-04-2005 at 12:45 AM.
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