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Steve 12-31-2001 06:33 AM

Favourite game EVER
thats a tough one aint it. and u know what i cant decide myself lol.

gotta say i really love land warrior. tetris rules and mario kart 64 is one of the finest to

ÀPØÇÂL¥P$É 12-31-2001 07:39 AM

The greatest game of all time is Final Fantasy 7, for ps1.

Steve 12-31-2001 08:02 AM

tried that once on the PC, got smoked all the time right at the start lol. just not my type of game i suppose. huge game though aint it?

Gen. Jann *PR* 12-31-2001 11:33 AM

anno 1602........ or the settlers 1/2........... wow. but anno rocks.......

ÀPØÇÂL¥P$É 12-31-2001 11:52 AM

It is 3 disks long, and ff8 and ff9 are 4 disks long, but they all rule.

zza1pqx 12-31-2001 11:58 AM

Its so hard not to flame other peoples choices, I am sweating here holding myself bakc from saying Whhhaaaattt!!!!! but I won't.

Favourite game ever, how do you judge that? It will be different depending on how old you are as mcuh as anything else, also it has already become clear that the youth of today actualy COUNT Playstation as a viable platform for classic games.... Hmmm.... how close we came to mediocraty when that machine came on sale. Anyhow, here are my top 5 games, in no particular order.

All mychoices are based on time spent, playing and more importantly re-playing the titles.

1) Sid Meiers CivilisationII for PC. Had it on on my 486, still have it on my Athlon super computer.

2) Mario-Kart for SNES. I had necrotic thumbs that required a doctors attention from playing this game. Still stands to my mind as the greatest racing game ever made. I thought the 3D one sacrificed gameplay for graphics. I hoped on hope I might get GBoy Adv. with it on this year for Xmas too... :(

3) Duke Nukem 3D. He them man, he still the man, he always the man, 'What are you some bottom feeding, scum sucking, algae eater?' Cant wait for the new one.

4) Delta Force Land Warrior. Again proof positive that gameplay rules over graphics any day of the month, My first real attempt at online gaming came through this and so historicaly will live on in my memory as the source of all my realtionship problems in the early days.

5) Minesweeper for Windows. Sounds silly but I played this a LOT when I had 56k modem, I would while away the hours of downlaoding stuff with thisone. Fastest times, Beginner 8 seconds, Interm. 43 seconds and expert, never, ever, completed it, LOL

So many more that have been missed, the obvious one being Doom. All you little ones out there that missed the phenomonon whilst you were building LEGO towers and wetting yourselves, here is a fact.
At the height of its fame, more people owned a copy of shareware DOOM than had a copy of Windows. WOW!

LOL I am enjoying this thread already, I am gunna give it 5 Stars

Dirt*PR* 12-31-2001 12:01 PM

let me see....:nerd:

ok, for pc=LandWarrior
and for console=Goldeneye

both i choose becuase of the single/multiplayer fun!
for just a singleplayer on pc=maybe AvP cuase if just plain scares that crap out of me playing as marine!
singleplayer console=maybe Zelda for N64 or Goldeneye again; love those proximity mines!!! muhahahahaa :D

ÀPØÇÂL¥P$É 12-31-2001 12:04 PM

Yea i love Goldeneye aswell, the mp was awesome when you got 4 of you to mess about, we used to make up little games to do it was great!

But check this, Final fantasy 7, is the fastest selling game of all time, and no other game has sold more copies than it in the history of games, and thats a fact.

zza1pqx 12-31-2001 04:25 PM

I have had this kind of row before.
Fact 1) Playstation was THE most popular console of all time.
Fact2) Playstation had THE most number of titles for it than anyother console
Fact3) STEPS has been one of the most popular bands in the UK ever
Fact3) This is a world of promotion and money, it is not neccessarily a world of taste and sophistication.

The majority of people I know who owned a Playstation were not people who previously gave a monkeys about games, simply, they were swept along with the wave of propoganda surrounding the newwave of home entertainment.
I knew one or two hard core gamers who had one, normally sat next to there saturns and N64, proper gamers.

I played FF and thought it was an engrossing game, but it was repetetive and ultimatley dissapointing.
The fact that it sold quickly is an irrelevence, the playstation was the most popular, doesnt make it the best I am afraid, just means that the people selling it forced the issue harder than anyone else.

Marketing does not equal quality and that my friends is FACT

Scott 12-31-2001 05:14 PM

For PC
Delta Force - First online game ever played. From DF2 to land warrior. After playing this game, No other game will ever match up unless there is a DF4
Max Payne - You would not believe how fun this game is. Its the first ever single player game i enjoyed. Bullet time baby! lol

For console
Mario cart - Honestly I used to play that game for 12 hours strait and when we had the races with friends lol what a blast.. Both super nintendo and N64
Golden eye - This is prolly the best game ever made for a console. 4 player MP and a blast! Can play 12 hours without stoping!

Friday128 12-31-2001 05:58 PM

online (earlier)= Unreal Tournamet
online (now)= RtCW cause it goes s fast and you got think alot
Hardest RTS = Cossacks
Easiest RTS = any C&C game
Best FPS series = Rainbow Six
Best flight sim = Janes WWII Fighters
Best all around run around shoot em kill'em game = Unreal Tournament
Worst game of all time = DF2 once everyone started to cheat i mean it was the same pretty much as DF1 except for a few added things on the HUD

ÀPØÇÂL¥P$É 12-31-2001 07:26 PM

Panther i agree with you mate Max Payne owns! I got it 3 days ago, and i have been on it alot since then, the graphics, gameplay and origionality of it is awesome.

Gen. Jann *PR* 12-31-2001 07:55 PM


Originally posted by Friday128
Worst game of all time = DF2 once everyone started to cheat i mean it was the same pretty much as DF1 except for a few added things on the HUD
oeh, i disagree.... probably the game i played most online....

die_4_me 12-31-2001 08:55 PM

favorite games...hrrrrmmmmm



2. World War 2 Online (i reccomend u all try this 1!!!)

3. COMMANCHE 4!!!!! i just bought this..and man if DF4 is even close its gonna rule ALL UPON ALL!!!

~¥§~M£RÇÐØÇ 01-01-2002 12:41 AM

DFLW for sure is my favorite game of all time but I also bought Commanche4 and I must agree with you Die4Me if df4 is even close to that man it will definately be the greatest

Scott 01-01-2002 12:58 AM


Originally posted by ÀPØÇÂL¥P$É
Panther i agree with you mate Max Payne owns! I got it 3 days ago, and i have been on it alot since then, the graphics, gameplay and origionality of it is awesome.
Aggred. lol i played that game non-stop till I finally beat it.. man it was hard at the end ;)

ÀPØÇÂL¥P$É 01-01-2002 10:01 AM

I just got to the manor, and you gotta kill the trio, i killed two of them and there is one left but he is pretty hard.

Sid 01-01-2002 12:45 PM

1 of my alltime favourites was marrio on the first nintendo console,me and my school chums couldnt get enough of it,but dflw is without a doubt they game 4 me,ive neally finnished return 2 castle wolvenstein,that is graphically 1 of the finnest games ive seen.:fu:

Sandman 01-01-2002 01:42 PM

How many of you guys remember the arcade game "Berserk" ? It had to be the absolute worst, but the sounds are still in my head.

JAB 01-01-2002 09:23 PM

GOT TO BE THE ORIGIONAL STARWARS ARCADE GAME. sat in that cockpit with real stereo sound and 2d blocks to shoot at. At the time it was awsome and if I won the lottery id def buy one for nostalga.
also had hours of fun playing some tabletop footie game with mates. dont remember the name of it but I kept spilling coke on the screen.
syphon filter was an easy pick up and get engrossed in game.
As for the Psx debate, the footie games were the best cos the controllers were a good size and easy to handle.People will always slag off the popular culture to look aloof and intelligent.Sometimes it hard to admit that you like something thats common place!!!.:p
Now though I find I only enjoy the games if the interaction on the multiplayer is good. I haven't got enough spare time to be self indulgent with a final fantasy game.
As for the best game ever.......

.......Monopoly (cut throat style).:D ;)

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