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monkey87 05-17-2003 09:45 AM

helo's taking off plz help
I no how to make them land but i dont no how to make them take off if sum 1 could give me a tutorial on this I would be very greatfull

theplague 05-17-2003 09:48 AM

1 Attachment(s)

U have to set a timer (wait...)

Look at my Map and "Little Bird" and "Birdie" Events :
By Start there are 15 seconds as example

monkey87 05-17-2003 09:56 AM

does this helo wait for the player to get in then take off or does it just bugger off after 15 seconds i need it to stay put until a player gets onbord it

theplague 05-17-2003 10:03 AM

Both Helos are waiting 15 seconds, u can them wait longer.
After 15 sec. they fly away, follow waypoints, land and wait again.
As long they are standing on the ground, the player can get in.

The same thing is for vehicles.

All U have to do is change the Timer in Events.

I dont know how make them wait so long till a player come and get in, i think u must make a new event, "wait for player to take off" or somthing like this :rolleyes:

monkey87 05-17-2003 10:08 AM

ty m8 i no wot u mean like on the proper mp maps desgined by novalogic the helos only take off when u get in
thanks any way

if only sumone could help me

mybe ill tryan ask steive B

theplague 05-17-2003 10:22 AM

Yep, i know what U mean, but didnt found it,
wanna make the same thing, the helo has to wait so long till a player is getting in :-) but how :-(

Steve 05-17-2003 12:25 PM

ive not had a go but i think there is a player detection event by the helicopter. i'll try to figure it out then post the info.

bit busy for the next couple of days though, but if u can wait i'll sort it

monkey87 05-17-2003 02:15 PM

ty steive u the best if i wern't male id kiss ya

only jokin ty a lot tryed a diffrent types off ssn tricks i no but no luck

Saggin_Sally 05-17-2003 02:23 PM

I can tell you how to get them to work
You need to set an area trigger for your helos I usually set it about the size of the helo. You then need to set an event to make the helo fly. If group 1 or group 2 is in trigger area 1 then redirect group or ssn (or what ever you chose your choppers to be) to waypoint 1-0 (or what ever the number is) then you need to put in group to follow way points. If you have any problems email me at and I will send you a map I have that has working choppers that take off when triggered fly to a waypoint land then wait then take off and return to the trigger point to be triggered again.


monkey87 05-17-2003 02:57 PM

thnks but i cant or should i sya dont no how t set the size of the area trigger plz help

JimDirt 05-17-2003 07:05 PM

you can do it 2 different ways #1: go to Insert Mode and select Markers, select Trigger and place 2(one on each side of the helo, at opposing corners) ,get out of insert mode ,and click on BOTH markers you just put in ,right click and go to Attributes, in the upper right it will have the item number(just like waypoints) it will most likely say 0 ,put in 1 ,click ok(what you did was set both Triggers to act as one) or option#2: do the same thing ,but select 4 Trigger Markers, and do the above mentioned steps (this just allows you to place them with more adjustiblity ) What you have now done is create a box,and anything within that box (when you set your events) will trigger the event (try to make them so they just cover the area that you will be in while inside the helo,say within the area inside the roters))and then go set your events like Sally explained (blue team or red team within area #_ _ _, if you are in single player or just Deathmatch ,it will recognize any NON team player as Blue Team ,and trigger the event) What will happen is the helo will be running when you get into the map , after someone goes into the trigger area for say 15 seconds (or whatever you set the delay for) the helo will take off and follow the waypoints to the last one ,land , then wait ,if no one goes into it for a while the helo will shut off,then if someone gets in it ,it will fire up again ,wait for set delay time then fly the waypoint list again,but as long as someone is in it while its running it will just continue repeating again and again till you end the game.hope that helps! ,accually it was explained to me in another post ,as i had quite a few problems getting the helos to Fly/Land,Fly/Land also.

monkey87 05-18-2003 08:00 AM

thnks if i need any more help i do where to come get it

dknuke 05-18-2003 10:30 AM

Try the tutorial its step by step. You can modify it after you undstand the steps.

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