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Steve 12-20-2001 02:43 PM

what player type do u hate?
i hate base rapers the MOOSSSSSSTT:mad:

Scott 12-20-2001 03:24 PM

#1. I hate snipers :p no really i do cause they are always there and they just sit and hide!
#2. I hate naders! No not the ones that actually move or use hand nades.. but the ones that sit in 1 spot and just throw nades at anything
#3. People that murder piss me off!
#4. that sniper with the stachels that blows them and kills himself and you when you are getting ready for a knife fight!
#5. People that just stand there! and shoot at anything!
#6. that F**** that warps all over the map and thinks hes got skill!

Scott 12-20-2001 03:25 PM


Originally posted by StevieB
i hate base rapers the MOOSSSSSSTT:mad:

mike6787 12-20-2001 03:44 PM

f###ing campers
i hate campers:mad:

Scott 12-20-2001 03:55 PM


Originally posted by mike6787
i hate campers:mad:
:) :) :) :)

Soldier X 12-20-2001 04:21 PM


LET ME THINK>>>>>:nerd:

right anyone that feckin kills me.........

Steve 12-20-2001 04:27 PM

no one kills u m8 ;)

and define a 'camper' plzz.

mike6787 12-20-2001 05:07 PM

def of camper
a camper is anyone who hides behind your respawn point(s) and shoots you in the back like a coward.

BLADE =GH= 12-20-2001 05:23 PM

I hate 1. Campers that pick you off at respawn, no skill needed for that and no defence for it either.
2. Snipers that pitch a tent and go camping or that are out so far there almost in next map.
3. Anyone with Cable or ADSL lol.
4. Murders for no reason. Like someone who respawns next to you and kills you straight away b4 tags come up. How many players sit in enemy respawn shooting at there own base ???

Steve 12-20-2001 05:38 PM

so camper = base raper then?

ok fair enough

Dirt*PR* 12-20-2001 10:07 PM

let me see....
1--> AT4 , aka lawers, who shoot you at close range when your not using some form of hard cover. you know, using it except for what it was made for, like taking out a sniper at 300ms or something.
2--> CQB characters...they shouldn't be able to jump higher! lots of things they can VERY easily jump over that others just can't!
not fond of their swords they carry either, but i hate the jump the most!
3--> being only team member going for zone! lack of TEAM effort by my team!!! arrhhggggg....hello....a little help over here please.
this is usually cause by having snipers on your team and not enough runners and gunners!
4--> rapers/campers. i don't consider a "pure sniper", one that uses a SNIPER RIFLE, to be a big threat. but a person using an auto gun and camping i don't like. rapers just suck period.
## note, a VERY small part of this is somewhat reluckantly acceptable when ONLY used in key guarding main route to the zone or something like that....otherwise #4 sucks ##
5--> everything i call "stupid people". glitch users and people who kill every tree in sight for only reason of clearing the area so they can see anyone coming from that way. a few maybe...but all the freakin trees just pisses me off! makes me do the same to even the map out and i don't like to HAVE to do that!!! its just cheap if ya ask me. thats all i can think of for go killem!!

Sandman 12-20-2001 11:36 PM

1.) AT-4 users. That thing takes any requirement for skill away from the individual. Can't shoot it with your rifle? Oh, let's blow it up! Pussy!
2.) Whining about snipers. There is a job for the sniper in combat. It's not in the heat of the action. They're not supposed to be somewhat farther away.
3.) Re-spawn area campers also. They're all cowards.

Steve 12-21-2001 02:50 PM

hehe u wont like me then Blade, i love getting as far as was as plossible.

if i saty within 400-500 m from the enemy i get too much hassle from Mag users, that gun is waaaay too accurate for a heavy m.g. but hey thats why snipers are invented. we dont get a too big adavantage cause of the black dot problem which is a big shame cause it makes it easy for snipers to shoot ppl in buildings

BLADE =GH= 12-21-2001 09:55 PM

That would be my biggest frustration Stevie, being shot through a wall (concrete) by a sniper when sitting in the middle of a room. That really pisses me off, this black dot thing. Prob cause i dont have it lol.

Steve 12-22-2001 04:38 AM

i lost all black dots when i upgraded my grafix card lol.
but u know they can come back a lil when u mess with the contrast and brightness on ur monitor :)

i know its frustrating cause ive been there. ots almost as frustraiting as been shot by a mag at 500m:p

thats what the other teams snipers are for i suppose? i have the absolote respect for someone who comes to stick a knife in me, that is commitment to the team, and only the best players can be bothered to do it.

i killed some guy 12 times and he came and knifed me and it made his day, and he said we were even. well 12-1 aint quite even but it was his objective and goal and he succeded ( Ghandi where was u? lol ).

anyway truth is i get scared and have to hide as far away possible :D :D hehe

lucky its not like df2 where there is no fog and u can see like 3000 m lol. i got a .50 cal with a range of 1500m but i can only see about 1040m!!! whats all that about NL?

cya in my scope...

zza1pqx 01-01-2002 08:53 PM

I hate people that moan and people that brag in servers.

We played a squad that had at least one guy who was cheating. I have no way of proving it but the entire squad died before they gopt over the first hill and no one saw the guy. (raise scope, I dunno but he had a mag), as the final map finished, and they had one the match, this guy posted a quick message along the lines of ha ha ha ha h asuckers we win.... WTF was that about?
1) If he wasnt cheating, whats the point of taking the piss?
2) If he was, why did he feel like he had actually won anything?

I especially hate it when Snipers join my favourite servers, take one look around and say summink like, 'Oh Great, SAWS how skillful' and then leave. **** OFF... If you dont like it **** OFF, dont wobble on about skill. There is no more or less skil in sniping than gunning, because its a computer game, Its not real life.
If we were actually out there on the battlefield then maybe there would be an argument that ceratin specialist soldiers are more skillful than others, but its a computer game and so to my mind its about what you enjoy doing.

The other thing that annoys me about saying, 'Oh Great SAWS... blah blah blah', is that 9n times out of ten its not a SWAS its a MAG, and that annoys me too.

I also hate people that cant be arsed paying attention and honestly belive that spawn armour is a third party cheat. Mongs.

I hate people who get arsey if you won't knife fight with them.
I use satchels ( Panther ) but I dont blow myself up with them, I use my skill to blow them up and not me.

Knife fighting is so arbitrary and so dependednt on the two parties ping, that only elite players can have guaranteed knowledge that they will come away the victor, I have been knifed from 15 feet befroe now and so knife fighting is bollocks if you ask me.

I hate a lot.. LOL but I love all you guys...

zza1pqx 01-01-2002 08:55 PM

Also I dont hate naders, unless they start going on about being better than gunners in a cqb map.
Any twat can explode a 200 by 200 foot area

Sandman 01-01-2002 09:07 PM

ZZ! So much anger!

Scott 01-01-2002 10:58 PM

hey about knifing aint a skill.. well you are 100% wrong. It dont matter what conection you have if you are good you will win simple as that. Look at skinbag. 56k in england and he kicks ass with a knife in US servers. Explain that?

I love my knife ;) so dont dis me ;)

zza1pqx 01-02-2002 04:53 PM

I can explain that in just a few words.

Skinnys Wonderous Magical Lag-Based Teleport.

Wheres Skinny?

Theres Skinny.

Wait! Where Skinny?


Oh no he isn't
etc etc, unitl you are dead!

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