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Paean{DFO}a 03-30-2003 02:27 PM

BHD Kingdom is searching
Hello all,

BHD Kingdom is searching for some new staff members who can help us out. We are specialised on Delta Force Black Hawk Down and we are a recource center for this gametype. This includes maps, gfx, tools, updates, screenshots, etc.

We are currently looking for:
1. PHP/MySQL Programmer - You need to have a lot of experience with PHP and MySQL. You need to able to build a complete extended webpages, this includes calendar, upload/download script, webpage lay-out etc.
2. Council Members - You need to have a lot of experience in the DF scene, squads, problems between squads etc. You will judge problems between squads/players who come to us for help with their problem. You have to be able to judge situations as a third independent person.
3. News poster - You will need to search the web for all the newest BHD news. This job takes about 60 min a week.
4. GFX Designers - You will make banners which are requested by members. You will also judge banners made by other people who sign in for the SOTW contest.
5. Map Makers - You will work on maps specially made for BHD Kingdom, these maps will be played in our upcoming tourneys. You will be able to express your own feelings in these maps cause we need a mix of CQB and Long Range maps.
6. Tourney Admin - You will be the head of one of our tourneys. You will look over the squads and help them if your mods can't help them out. We still need tourney admins and mods for all tourneys: Benelux, Euro and US.

One of these jobs sounds interesting? Just contact Paean mail:, ICQ#:65004220 or MSN:

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