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RastaManGames 03-15-2022 12:57 PM

Converting Models (3DI -> OBJ)
I saw an very old topic about that and someone provided a link to software on "Nova-Outpost", but now that site seems to be dead.
Is there any chance that someone still have that app?
It can help me with mapping for my "Delta Force" themed Doom project.
P.S.: You can see a part of project here, on Streamable (~1 minute long, ~8 mb sized). This is just weapon pack, but I also working on enemy pack and there is gonna be ~53 terrains used as various missions.

--BulletMagnet-- 03-18-2022 12:01 AM

Here's a tool to do just that:

~BLÃÐE~ 03-18-2022 02:56 AM

Hi RastaManGames, that was my old site....

I have a new site now just for Modding

There are 2 converters i have on the site, one for BHD and the other for JO/DFX



I have not looked into DF2 before but will have a quick look and try the tools BulletMagnet linked

Looked at the video lol looks like Quake, that brings back memories

RastaManGames 03-19-2022 08:03 AM

@--BulletMagnet--, @~BLÃÐE~, thank you for your responses!

Gonna take a look at these utilities as soon as possible.

Also, you can take a look at current weapon pack (biggest part of them are almost done (XM4 with M203/R670 was the hardest to implement)) & enemy pack (for now it contains only Russian mercenaries in arctic uniform).

Stramable (~2 minutes 40 seconds)

RastaManGames 03-19-2022 08:08 AM

Also I am trying to preserve original scale of player and landscapes:

Slingy 07-17-2022 06:27 PM

Wish I had a 3di viewer for LW. Ravens crashes saying it cant find the pff files.

I want to recreate LW with Unreal Engine.

add me on discord if you'd like


devilsclaw 07-18-2022 08:19 AM

sounds like it needs to be in the same directory as the game to run.

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