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Luis 09-06-2012 10:42 AM

Using Text Tool in missions
Does anyone use this tool? Is there any tutorial or something out there .. I already know the basics like how to add title, waypoint names, briefings, conditions lose / win conditions but want to know if I can add a specific message, like the 'triggered text' tool that you can use when creating an .BIN file.

--BulletMagnet-- 09-06-2012 11:11 AM

You mean like text commands that show up at the bottom left of the HUD?

Just use .wac commands. Easy as pie.

Luis 09-06-2012 11:14 AM

Yes yes yes !!!!
using .wac commands i know but i saw some SP maps that they used the text tool (.rc format) and used in-game texts (not goals) but when i tried to open it using the tool it just close and says that the program has stopped working.

--BulletMagnet-- 09-06-2012 11:45 AM

Hmmm, I've noticed the text tool embedded in the unlocked version of the MED, but I've never gotten it to open.

If you're truly just wanting messages to pop up like I mentioned above, .wac scripting is the easiest/simplest way to go. I believe the Text Tool was intended for other purposes, such as waypoint names.

Baldo_the_Don 09-06-2012 12:47 PM

The TextTool link in the unlocked MED won't work if you don't have the TextTool installed on your system. My experience with the TextTool is that it's too complicated. You cannot edit existing .bin files with it, so it's a lot like how the MED edits .mis files and only exports .bms files, TextTool edits .rc files and can only export .bin files.

If you want to work directly on .bin files, search around for the NovaSheep BinEditor. When I make .bin files, that's what I use.

Luis 09-06-2012 12:52 PM

Thanks for the reply Baldo.
I use that tool too but i've just found the text tool today,
and i've tried to make some bin files and it's not so hard lol.

Here's a demo map i've made testing it:
>>Village; test map using text tool<<

Luis 09-07-2012 02:18 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Please can someone help me
i'm trying to make an attack to the target building
but my teammates doesn't follow waypoints.
I'm redirecting them to WP 0 but they don't continue following WP 1, 2 .......
So what i'm doing wrong here
i'm attaching the map here.


--BulletMagnet-- 09-07-2012 03:56 PM

Hey Luis,

I took a look at the map and couldn't really determine the cause. Everything seems to be set up correctly. I did find, however, that changing the waypoint distance values for the teammates' waypoint lists made them advance further into the building. Perhaps you'll simply have to adjust each waypoint distance for each teammate?

Luis 09-07-2012 05:03 PM

Still no fix for that
maybe it's because i'm using waypoints over a building
i've added an Z setting (16m) for all waypoints but that's i think is not the issue here.

Baldo_the_Don 09-07-2012 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by Luis (Post 379051)
Still no fix for that
maybe it's because i'm using waypoints over a building
i've added an Z setting (16m) for all waypoints but that's i think is not the issue here.

That's exactly what the problem is.

Start the mission Last Stand. At mission start, prone immediately (that damn .50 might bet you, otherwise) and face a degree or two north of directly east. Go to F4 view and press keypad 9 to zoom out until you can see the guy on the roof, the one twirling around in one little spot like a cracked-out backup dancer in Britney Spears' next final comeback tour.

He's doing that because the waypoints he's following are supposed to take him in a L-shaped patrol on that roof, but the mission designer left the waypoints on the ground. He keeps trying to get to his first waypoint, but he can't 'cause it's too low.

Waypoints for AIs have to be within one or two meters of the surface they're walking on or they won't acknowledge reaching them.

Luis 09-07-2012 10:10 PM

Thank you Baldo !
It worked.
I just got another question.
you must know this cause you're really an expert lol
So, in many custom sp maps (Mean Streets, Operation Just Cause)
when the player reach an waypoint,
i can hear an woman voice speaking 'Way Point' (robot style)
But i've not figured it out.
Just one thing:
In OP Just Cause, in the .bin file,
there's a "Mission Dialog" setting, like this:
'[Mission Dialog]'
STRDLGLINE000 = "Way Point.";

but i've done the same and still no sucess.
I hope you know this lol

--BulletMagnet-- 09-07-2012 11:55 PM

Great work and service, Baldo!

In the old games (I still map for DF2, lol), waypoint z-values don't mean a darn thing. I didn't even think to check them.

Luis 09-08-2012 09:05 AM

good old days playing DF2 demo
back to 2004~2005 lol

Guest001 09-08-2012 10:13 AM

STRDLGLINE000 = "Way Point."
ignore it, it's like a place holder I think.

Not sure if this is what you wanted
Attack 200
Max 200
Min 200
for AI following waypoints. As long as they are all the same the AI will not run off the waypoint then change it when they get there.

Luis 09-08-2012 10:21 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Yes i've tried that but still no sucess
i'm attaching this one
i've changed the waypoints Z and now they are following good till they enter the building.
After that, they just turn back and stay moving in circle. I've changed for alot of different values and still the same.
I think i'll delete everything and ill need another idea for map lol.

--BulletMagnet-- 09-08-2012 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by Luis (Post 379070)
Yes i've tried that but still no sucess
i'm attaching this one
i've changed the waypoints Z and now they are following good till they enter the building.
After that, they just turn back and stay moving in circle. I've changed for alot of different values and still the same.
I think i'll delete everything and ill need another idea for map lol.

No! You'll never learn that way.

That being said, I just checked the map and the z-values seem to be in order. Perhaps Baldo can give us some insight?

Baldo_the_Don 09-08-2012 12:39 PM

Note: I have not looked at the map yet, so...

Make sure your waypoints are numbered correctly. The first waypoint in a waypoint list is numbered 0, the second waypoint is 1, third is 2, et cetera, up to waypoint 31.

The numbers can get botched if you right-click a waypoint and choose "Select this waypoint list" and the item following that waypoint list is assigned to it in it's Item Attributes.

For instance, if Somali Militia guy SSN 456 is assigned to waypoint 17, 0, and you select that waypoint list, the waypoints and the somali are all selected (unless People are hidden!), and if you open all these items' attributes to change something without realizing the somali is also in with the selected items, usually waypoint 0 get change to his SSN. Then things get weird in-game.

As for Comanche 4's Bitching Betty telling you you've reached a waypoint, I can't remember how that works in DFBHD. I'll have to look at those maps again to check. It's probably a .wac event with a special .wav 'cause the .wavs for the Comanche's computer aren't stock in DFBHD.

Otherwise, I'm all shrugs.

Luis 09-08-2012 12:43 PM

Thanks for the replies guys.
Baldo, yes, i belive it is that way it works.
And i use the 'select this waypoints list' and 'hide selected'.
Maybe it is that the problem?
Currently now i'm working in the Insertion Building and i've made the same thing but in the ground, and it is working fine.

Guest001 09-08-2012 06:39 PM

I'll have a look at the map and recreate it, there could be a bug

Baldo_the_Don 09-08-2012 06:49 PM

I tried to look at the map. Game crashed when I clicked Single Player.


Started the game without the Baldo_the_Don's 120901 Mod (ask me about this another time). Crashed.

Whew! It's not the mod. Removed the hudpos.def I'm tweaking (also ask me about this another time). Crash.

Not the hudpos.def either, then.

Took the map out of the game folder - no crash. Looked at the map in the MED. Found nothing strange. Looked at the .mis in Editor. All's well. Renamed the files. Still crashed.


So I cast my mind back on my near decade of DFBHDing, and a possibility occured to me... How many .bms files are in my game folder? 148.

Replaced Luis' map and took a different .bms out. No crash.

Hmm. Replaced that other .bms and removed one that I knew was a TDM map. Crash.


Replaced the TDM, removed a different SP map, counted the non-campaign SP maps in the Instant Action screen aaaaaaaaaaaaaand...

I claim here that my testing proves that 101 non-campaign SP maps is the maximal allowable number!

So, THEN I looked and Luis' map and found the waypoints from LZ to 3rd floor were too high in the stairwell. Lowered them. Infiltration then worked fine.

3D-wireframe view is hard to get used to, but:
  • In 2D view, select the waypoint list you're editing and the building it leads into, then press D to go to 3D wireframe view
  • Press END once to swing the camera up 5 degrees. The ground grid will turn brown
  • Press [ or ] (or whichever the keys left of the BACKSPACE are) to switch between items. (Also CTRL+N or CTRL+P)
  • Press INSERT and DELETE to swing the camera in an orbit around the currently selected item

Moving the camera makes figuring out where an item really is in wireframe view infinitely easier.

NOTE: Apparently, these forums don't display the degree symbol. Anything you typed after that symbol just disappears after you click post. Damn it.

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