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*Long* 08-03-2006 11:41 AM

Dead Rangers
ok in a few maps i have seen theres like dead rangers how do you guys get them there not on the insert list?????:eek:

katana*GFR* 08-03-2006 11:48 AM

Shoot them before you release you map to the public. :D

nah, i think it is on the list, you have the uinlocked editor?

*Long* 08-03-2006 12:13 PM


katana*GFR* 08-03-2006 12:24 PM

I guess this is for BHD / TS ? because this posted in general chat instead of mapmaking help ... ( ... = fill in gamename)

Lakie 08-03-2006 11:08 PM

in LW it was a case of making the rangers placid, and rigging up enemy ai to shoot them, then you can divert the enemy, keep them there or vaporize them...

IcIshoot 08-04-2006 09:20 AM

You use one of the unlocked mission editors. Its there under either decorations or people.

If this is for bhd/bhd:ts

*Long* 08-04-2006 10:24 PM

i looked in both of them and i got the Consumer DFBHDMED

*Long* 08-04-2006 10:24 PM

PS how do i make things on there side like a wrecked blackhawk????

katana*GFR* 08-05-2006 01:41 AM

Look for values called Z if im right, or something called angle, not to sure tho... it has been erm..., 3 years orso, since i last made a map..

Lakie 08-05-2006 03:20 AM

z value is its height in relation to the ground iirc, eg to put someone in a tower you set the z value of the person to 3.14159 (or whatever), isnt it pitch for that sort of thing?

katana*GFR* 08-05-2006 10:51 AM

Thats the one i was looking for pitch, Z is indeed height, y - x are place on the map. And angle the degree of tilt

*Long* 08-06-2006 12:26 AM

ok ty and i have another thing uhmm i addded something called "squrb end" or somthing like that. but my map dosn't end how do i make it end???

IcIshoot 08-06-2006 08:00 AM

to use the squibs, you need a squib start.

And I think how they are used is you kill the squib start... then a round of bullets are fired in the direction of squib end.

as to the wounded soldier, its in one of the editors. I think 2.05c has it.


*Long* 08-06-2006 02:47 PM

ok ty thats only one of the things i have to worry about
1)how do i make hummvees move?
2)how do i make wayponts a apeer when i play?
3)what would happend if i put too many people on the map?
4)how can i make water just in one place?
5)how di i make the little bird do a gun run?
6)how do i get roads?

plase hlep i'm new to thing map making stuff :(
and i lost the manuale some where in my computer

IcIshoot 08-06-2006 05:28 PM

1. Check either here or @ for a tutorial on how to make the humvees (and other vehicals) move.

2. I'm not sure, Read the med manual (page 18, section 6)

3. Placing to many people on the map will A, cause lag and B, may kick players out of map.

4. You can't. All you can do is adjust the water level so it floods the lowlands

5. The med manual has 1 solution in appendix D.
6. Read the med manual (starting on page 17)

Also in the med manual it explains how to use the squibs.

I can send you the manual if you wish.

*Long* 08-06-2006 09:36 PM

lol funny thing is now i found it its was in my Documents :D
ok but now how do i make the concret dock parts not see tho and how do i make doors open???????

*Long* 08-06-2006 10:23 PM

PS: i can find Squib Start
and every time i make a waypoint for a vehical it gets messed up and i have to start all over again and it still keeps messin up

*Long* 08-06-2006 10:38 PM

PS: how do i make enemy spawn in the same place?

*Long* 08-07-2006 06:29 PM

PS: how do i make the AA turrent Shoot people???

Mstenger404 08-07-2006 09:46 PM

AA turret to shoot people: in the turrets ai attributes, you can edit it's ai textfile. If you want it to shoot, pick an AI that shoots back, since its a turret you dont want it to fly away with a helo or plane ai. I prefer Grnd - 50,cal fast, it shoots but it has a cricket sound and the bullets wont come out of the main guns, you cant fix that problem.

making humvees move: attach waypoints to them silly :p

making waypoints visible to player: make a waypoint group belong to the blue team.

respawn guys: make an event, after that person died, delay 28 seconds (30 where they dissapear) and teleport them to a target somewhere. (dont forget to pre-set a respawn limit in the persons ai attributes)

making roads: use tiles, select it in the toolbar at the top of the med under "tools" its called tile floater

Note: placing too many ai guys on a map may result in a removal of all the same kind of guys flooding the map (BHD will get despret some times and remove some guys as long as it doesnt get past 265(i think))

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