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Chrispy 10-28-2005 01:48 AM

The Rating
The Rating

What you rate Delta Force Xtreme out of 5 or 10 you can rate it out of.

Chris_OJB_DF645 --Out of

DogSoldier~MLK~ 10-28-2005 06:19 AM

I would rate it 5 out of 10 as i think that it is the same exact game as JO except that they have the older maps from previous games on it.IMO

Master-Seargent 11-14-2005 06:07 PM

Ii Thought JO was multiplayer only? anyway id say around 5

Hellfighter 11-14-2005 07:22 PM

will i have to say: 6-fair.

it don't make my eyes want to pop-out any.

love the motor cycle in it man like to fly with it sweet.

main reason the manual suck for all areas in selecting things, as for the rest of it is great. love the action on the maps.

its a revamp of the older games to bring it up to-date.
DF: 1 with some items from JOTR and i think some items from DF:BHD added to it all so.

the Manuel screen is no then like DF: lW,TFD,BHD-TS or JOTR. sorry to say it not even like DF:1 Manuel screen ether i have it instill it don't even come close to it.

8-really good
9-super good

game on the CD is around 820mb in all.

Rat Sass 11-16-2005 09:00 AM

Big, Fat Six
I'd rate DFX a "fair" game (6). Of course, I'm comparing that to previous Nova projects.

As a mapper, I'm still not satisfied with the lack of AI control. Having said that though, I do get a kick out of the AI animations; they're pretty good. DFX is good for eye-candy. Nice gfx. Nova did a better job with lighting and shading on DFX than they did in JOps, where everything seems to "glow".

For mapping, once you get the hang of making wac files or bin files, it's entertaining enough to rate a 6. But it doesn't raise my adrenaline... like BHD does.

JakeTKD 12-07-2005 10:05 PM

Well my fav. game out of all the DF games is DF2, but novalodgic made Xtreme very close to df2, same lay out, I like it a lot! Other then sniping, sniping is the best in BHD I think.

JakeTKD 01-01-2006 09:25 PM

I give it a 7 out of 10. The game is really good with driving cars and choppers, also I like how it is more like DF2. Also the movemt is kind of cool too. I like how you run and jump to the ground when you lay down.

SNIPING. However, they tottaly screwed up in the sniping, it's just not the same anymore. What is it with making it so you can't shoot any further then 700m? Sniping was the best in DF2 and BHD I think.

Death. Also when you kill someone or they kill you, you see where they were when they killed you. It makes it easier for the defender, but harder for the attacker.

Armories. They are only for show, but armories do not work in the game, it's cool to die and get a new gun, but it would be nice to have both.

~MOUSE~ 01-01-2006 10:44 PM

Could have been a great game but nova managed to screw it up. :*(

Mauser 98K 01-02-2006 01:02 AM

i agree, i fixed mine and so far i actually enjoy playing it now.

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