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Steve 05-25-2002 01:21 PM

Some of you may know we put up a new top50 script on dfhq 2 days ago. To test it we automatically put dfhq on it, seeing as we did have anyone signed up for it before we launched it ( obviously ).

So anyway a certain website - DFMAX - has decided to try and get other sites to boycott the DFHQ top 50 because they claim we are cheating. TO BE IN OUR OWN TOP WAS INTENTIONAL FOR TEST PURPOSES ONLY AND WILL AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN PLANNED TO BE REMOVED ON JUNE 1ST 2002.

Personally i think it was unresonable of DFMAX to try and get people to boycott the top 50. Now DFMAX will say "yeah right you was going to keep your site on the top 50 for ever". Well this is just not true and could be debated forever. I mean, come on, a website on it's own top sites? It just doens't make sence, there is nothing to prove about being there.

So we apologise to anyone who is angered about us being in the top50 in the test period, we don't mean to anger or frustrate anyone. It is your choice to sign up or not.

Please post your comments about this, and remember... you don't need to register to post :)

Scott 05-25-2002 01:38 PM

Well said sb. Thanks

And to clear up why it will be on there rill June is cause I am still messing with account settings etc and customizing the script. I cannot do that with other peoples accounts because that isn’t right to begin with.

Say what you want DFMax. We are the only ones that know what is going on with our own site. Don't jump to conclusions so fast when you have no clue what is going on.

zza1pqx 05-25-2002 01:54 PM

I just been to the dfmax site and they are deliberatley using framesets to make it appear as if they are providing content that they are not. My suggestion to you is you find which ever ISP runs this site and inform them of your intention to sue them for deliberate breach of copyright.
ISP in most countries now have to take some responsibility for the content on their servers and this type of frame technique has been proved illegal in the USA already.
Stop posting in the community and make it official. This man is an amatuer and should be taken out quickly and simply.
None of this pleading bull****.
He is a cheat using illegal methods to promote his site. If he wants to talk about fair methods of TGP promotion then he should be made to observe current law before you have to answer to his cowboy morality campaigns.

df3tow 05-25-2002 01:54 PM


Scott 05-25-2002 02:15 PM

I aint gunna take it that far. I only got mad cause he started to flame dfhq then me when he had no clue what was going on. I could care less about the frames issue personally. I would just like him to keep his mouth shut till he knows whats going on.

EL_Bastardo UFP 05-25-2002 02:15 PM

and what is with the new nova-arena... or better the top100 list of them... their site is not finished and all the time on place 1... should we boycott them too??? i don't think so... they spend a lot of time for their pages... and have a right to be on top in own lists!!! that's mine opinion...

Masta 05-25-2002 03:59 PM

MY word is LAW!
Here it is in a nut shell, DFMAX is trying to get publicity. Fast and easy way is to flame another site that is larger , plain and simple. I e-mailed him this message


Look I don't know who the **** you think you are taking on the whole DF community, I know for a fact they were gunna remove them selves cuase I had a convo with PAnther a few days ago when he showed it to me, and I brought to his attention that DF:TF would join it when they remove them selves from the TOP 50, he said he would do so at the end of the month... SO STFU and SIT DOWN, you may have been right with the Nova-Arena **** but trying to bad mouth a site that pretty much keeps your site in exsistance is bull ****!


Anyways I hope I expressed everyone's views in that e-mail, and I'm not afriad of anyone or any site.

P3@c3 (-)ut All,

Remember This : DFBarracks, DFHQ , DF:TF will always and forever be there... We are the best and always will be.

( Hey, I know DF:TF isn't exactly one of the top sites yet, but were getting there! )

katana*GFR* 05-25-2002 04:23 PM

well what can i say more? I dont know you guys that good nut i would find it logical that you just put in yer own site as test.
So *** the ones that directly begin flaming without taking it to the persons who are involved with it.

Matt 05-25-2002 07:40 PM

What Masta said is correct, they are trying to get publicity. I have never heard of, or been to their site until I heard about the big ordeal they are making.

Matt 05-25-2002 07:55 PM

This is how I feel about DFmax:




Just a couple visual discriptions lmao

uk 05-25-2002 07:57 PM

zza1pqx what dose us law say about contests and compatitions

about organizers, employees, family and relatives even assosiates taking part in the so called contest or compatition
ie:top 50 sites ?
so i surgest you read the law not quote the law you arse****
and also us law is not uk law

zza1pqx 05-25-2002 08:05 PM

I am UK you plonker.
I know whereof I speak.
Registered competitions are not bound by the laws of which you speak.
And certainley not unregistered informal 'Competitions'.

A top50 as well is NOT a competition. There are no prizes, save some satisfaction if your site does better which you should be able to see from your own stat-tracking.

Please, if you are going to flame me.
1) Learn to spell. What is Organizers, assosiates, compatition, surgest and dose?
Only one of them is a word and even then it is grammaticaly incorrect in that context.
2) Don't begin some kind of stupid get at a big site campaign. Your site a) sucks and b) is becoming more and more unpopular by the day. You will get hackers very quickly if your persist as well as a gradual decline of interest. (Following the spurt you will get from this nonsense.
3) Read and search about me on the internet and within this community. You have neither the time, experience or intellect to compete with me in a flame war.

And don't call yourself uk you devolved monkey boy. You are about as uk as Osama is. United Kingdom subjects are not as thick as you. We invented railways and microchips and cider.

I'm bored now.

uk1 05-25-2002 08:17 PM

does this count as abuse
i will ask the dfhq isp ? i think so

and also you think you know me!! which site am i ?? you think dfmax! well your wrong so think again

zza1pqx 05-25-2002 08:22 PM

"devolved monkey boy" may well count as abuse.
I doubt you have the skill to discover which ISP hosts DFHQ though so don't make idle threats.
I apologise to you for associating you with that website though. It sucks more than you do and it was unfair to apply your idle tittle tattle to its existence.
Please accept my apologies for that.
By the way the phrase 'you think you know me' should end with a question mark. Like this; Do you think you know me?
And it is you're not your.
3/10 SEE ME

Matt 05-25-2002 08:32 PM

This is too good roflmfao.

uk3 05-25-2002 08:39 PM

NS.*********.COM 64.91.***.*
NS1.*********.COM 64.91.***.*

I will be having words and i will be checking the rest of the forum for any more abuse to other visitors

janet wont like that you have provoked this action

zza1pqx 05-25-2002 08:46 PM


Who is Janet by the way?
Almost 8200 posts.
Good luck.

uk4 05-25-2002 08:48 PM

I sugest you ask panther

zza1pqx 05-25-2002 08:52 PM

Are you not as bored as I am?
I'm supposed to be at work in four hours and I am compelled to retort to someone prepared to answer my posts so quickly.

I knew I was cool. Even the numptys want to be near me!

uk5 05-25-2002 08:55 PM

Im already doing my job how cool is that

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