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Steve 09-30-2003 03:27 PM

Black Hawk Down lobby news
Today it looks like Nova has changed something that makes server limits apear to be 16 players in the lobby. If you run a server with a limit of more than 16 players, THE SERVER WILL NOT SHOW UP IN THE LOBBY

Nova has made no announcements or anything regarding this, so if you know something please post. Novaworld forum is too buggy for me to view it so i cannot get any news from there.

Nova recenlty announced it will release a patch to allow 32 player servers as standard... *awaiting patch*

[ty to ATO Soup for info]

wolfgang 09-30-2003 03:35 PM

I have the feeling that servers bigger then 16 players don't even show up anymore in the lobby.
I use BHDPinger, and there are a couple of 20 player servers on my list that are still online when i check there status.
But i can no longer find them in the "main" public server list.
(top part of the screen, for those who also use BHDPinger)

Steve 09-30-2003 03:39 PM

i was just told, ty for posting though :)

Dream 09-30-2003 06:16 PM

Kinda odd, the nova logic games that support more then 16 are up.. but not the others... things that make you go hmmm

MadK9 09-30-2003 06:24 PM

Damn Nova AGAIN!!!!!

MadK9 09-30-2003 06:26 PM

Sorry pushed Return by mistake, ok as the DT30 server is not being listed now as we run 24 players, what about someone creating a page with Their Servers NovaKey... Just an idea

A TIN OF SOUP 09-30-2003 07:16 PM

Great IDEA... I shall be doing just that! But I feel if this is how thingsare going to be from now all the main DF sites will need to pull together and help create a daterbase of some kind of all the popular over 16 player server keys, And probably a crash course in using pinger as i spent most of tonight showing people how to use it to join our server!

MadK9 09-30-2003 07:32 PM

Same here, about 20 peeps so far needed the Key to our server. BUt this just sucks, I have a feeling if this is a perm change, it could be Nova have changed the way the servers report to Novaworld for their new 36player Patch. FIngers corssed this is all they have done, and the patch will fix this.

But untill then, i think we as a community need to get somink going for Server Keys... DT30 for one will be putting up a page with servers and their NovaKeys...

I cant go back to 16player servers. not enough action :)

Ando11 09-30-2003 09:56 PM

EULA is there for a reason i agree

but to save face novalogic could have just waited till the new update was out it would have
solved alot of the problems and wouldn't have upset people in anyway cos they would have
been able to still have there 32 player servers

the way they have done it is going to upset people we all no this and i really think that
nova in there wisdom should have thought a bit more into it instead of trying to upset the
DF comunity

i pay $330A a month for my isp to host my game server on a 50 mb link so i could supply a
good sized server for Australians and now we are back to 16 player servers

is all im saying is they just would have stopped all the whinnning if they went about it
another way ,,,, like wait for the new update and it would have gone through nice a smooth
with no whinning

so if you read this nova take in mine that by doing this is all you have really done is
upset alot of people and maybe turned alot of people away from the DF comunity , i myself
am now thinking about changing the game server to BF1942 cos of the money im paying out for
the server 16 players just doesn't cut it

here in Australia we support games that support its players and we have been asking for
years for nova to setup some DF stat games based in Australia cos of the lag problem we
have to put up with but as allways it has fallen on deff ears but oh well no surprise
there hey

good luck for the future nova its a shame you can support you customers a little more by
cutting them a break

Sal UK 09-30-2003 10:10 PM

Dont you get it?
They are just enforcing their Software Agreement NO one is allowed to change,merge ect any of the software.

They dont have to warn anyone of this as if you read the back pages of the manuel its in there.

the util to allow more players should not have been made without permission from novalogic.

This will change when they release the Modding tools I should imagine as to use the tools you have to merge things as how would you make new terrains ect otherwise.

Hope you understand this its 3:15am and im ready for bed. ;)

Ice Cannon 10-01-2003 12:44 AM

sal uk

"is all im saying is they just would have stopped all the whinnning if they went about it another way ,,,, like wait for the new update and it would have gone through nice a smooth with no whinning" - ando11

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