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RedrumSalad 12-12-2010 12:28 PM

Please Help
OK, I've got a serious problem. Ever since black ops came out, and i started playing online, ive been getting really mad at it. Getting killed really cheaply and things like that. Ive tried boosting my connection by running a 50Ft Ethernet cable to my modem on the 1st floor of my house, but that didnt do anything, or it did very little. is there anyway anybody could help[ me with:
1. Anger? Don't go saying "It's just a game" or any shht like that.

2. Connection. I think part of the reason why i've been getting killed cheaply is because of this. Essentially all the time a guy runs around the corner, he's coming around the corner shooting, and i dont have any time to react. I only have a 3 bar connection, and I want a 4 bar connection. Please tell me how to get this.

Other Info: I'm playing on an xbox 360, if that will help at all. My ISP is Empire Access, the only one I get way out here :( .


Scott 12-12-2010 12:42 PM

Play in servers closer to you or get another ISP.. Or shoot when going around the corner :)

skinny killer 12-12-2010 12:48 PM

don't forget to use that stress ball. :p

RedrumSalad 12-12-2010 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by Scott (Post 370199)
Play in servers closer to you or get another ISP.. Or shoot when going around the corner :)

Xbox doesn't allow you to choose servers :(

Empire Access is the only ISP I get here (as said in OP)

Also, shooting around the corner is a waste of ammo lol.

Mstenger404 12-12-2010 01:07 PM

That's why matchmaking is crap for little kids that don't know how online gaming really works. Dedicated servers would solve your problem.

katana*GFR* 12-12-2010 03:09 PM

/quit playing. Youre getting to old. :)

I talk from experience ^^ Just start playing wow or something for 3 / 4 years and then try again. For me it worked..

And tip 2, ditch the xbox and get a real PC. Only thing the Xbox is good for is to have a cheap ass linux server at home that doesn't take much space.

RedrumSalad 12-12-2010 03:22 PM

im only 14 lol.

i cant play any of the new games on my pc yet, once i get a new cpu and gpu then maybe

DevilDog#1 12-12-2010 05:20 PM

I play (once in a while when I'm crazy shoot 'em all mood) BO on XBox360. Play the single player in various modes and then you should be good for online stuff.

.Simon. 12-12-2010 05:35 PM

Learn to read the gameplay. I've played Crossfire a million times on COD4, so I know every single trick, where to throw nades, how to outflank someone if i know where they are, sneaky spots nobody looks etc..
I actually just finished a session and got accused of hacking twice :D

But the main thing is you need to have a mental image of how the enemy is moving. If they're coming up the right flank and your team is trying to hold them there, sneak around left and flank them. You just need to think a few steps ahead of the enemy.

And if you play with friends, work together. Set one up with an LMG or something to draw their attention. Then then they start firing at him, the rest pop up and kill them.

Just a few ideas for you, but if you really want to get better, practice, try new things, read online tips, watch videos.. but relax and enjoy the game. No point playing it if it's making you angry, trust me i've been there and it affected my relationships with other people. You don't want to go down that road.

You won't like it, but it is a game after all ;) Get good at real life things that will make you a career, then you'll be laughing when you're friends are still playing COD and you're out buying all sorts of ****.

RedrumSalad 12-12-2010 05:41 PM

Thanks Simon, but its just so addicting...somehow. I like it when i do good (which is a pretty good amount of the time) but then when it all goes downhill i get a bit pissed. what's weird is that the only game i get mad at is COD: BO. I play Bad Company 2 and if i don't do so well, I don't chuck my controller or get pissed or anything, its weird. maybe bc2 is more fun than competitive, and black ops is more competitive? idk.

DevilDog#1 12-12-2010 05:59 PM

RedrumSalad, rent the new MOH ... You'll love it. :)

.Simon. 12-12-2010 05:59 PM

If you're throwing your controller then you really need to walk away from it for a bit. That can't be healthy for your mind.

RedrumSalad 12-12-2010 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by DevilDog#1 (Post 370213)
RedrumSalad, rent the new MOH ... You'll love it. :)

No, Bad Company in close quarters = bad idea


Originally Posted by .Simon. (Post 370214)
If you're throwing your controller then you really need to walk away from it for a bit. That can't be healthy for your mind.

its only been a few times lol, and usually if i do it too much, i take a shower to cool myself. it usually works, like it did today.

.Simon. 12-13-2010 03:50 PM

This is why they have 18 ratings on these games. No offence but kids find it harder to create that split between reality and fiction, its in their nature. If you were losing at scrabble, would you throw a hissy fit and throw your letters across the room? I doubt it somehow.

DevilDog#1 12-13-2010 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by RedrumSalad (Post 370217)
No, Bad Company in close quarters = bad idea

It's very nice! :nerd:

RedrumSalad 12-13-2010 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by .Simon. (Post 370237)
This is why they have 18 ratings on these games. No offence but kids find it harder to create that split between reality and fiction, its in their nature. If you were losing at scrabble, would you throw a hissy fit and throw your letters across the room? I doubt it somehow.

I would not, and I know it's not real. I think part of the problem is that they implemented that K/D thing into the TDM scoreboard and i worry too much about that, even when i don't play TDM.

.Simon. 12-13-2010 07:43 PM

I don't mean a conscious decision whether it is real or not. A lot of kids will grow up without realising what violence can do. You play a video game and a bit of blood spatters from someone when you kill them, and I guess modern games are showing more grotesque ways to die.

But Id wager a bet that if you saw that in real life, you would never want to play those games again. Im a bit of a hypocrite because I play them too, but what people are really doing, is rein-acting the worst possible action a human can make.

I have massive respect for armed forces guys because they kill for their country. I'm sure they will tell you there is nothing glorious or self empowering about killing anyone, so I definitely don't think today's youth should grow up 'killing people' for casual gameplay.

The more I type this, the more I feel like giving up shooting games to be honest xD

ShadowZ 12-13-2010 09:15 PM

'common, it's only pixels! It's not like they have a soul or anything...

hmm, what if they did?:|

RedrumSalad 12-14-2010 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by .Simon. (Post 370243)
I don't mean a conscious decision whether it is real or not. A lot of kids will grow up without realising what violence can do. You play a video game and a bit of blood spatters from someone when you kill them, and I guess modern games are showing more grotesque ways to die.

But Id wager a bet that if you saw that in real life, you would never want to play those games again. Im a bit of a hypocrite because I play them too, but what people are really doing, is rein-acting the worst possible action a human can make.

I have massive respect for armed forces guys because they kill for their country. I'm sure they will tell you there is nothing glorious or self empowering about killing anyone, so I definitely don't think today's youth should grow up 'killing people' for casual gameplay.

The more I type this, the more I feel like giving up shooting games to be honest xD

I know what a gun can do to a living thing. Ive seen it happen...hell, ive done it. I got two doe the first 2 days of the regular deer season, i know what its like to kill something bigger than a bird. Im not stupid enough to reenact video games with a real gun, not even with blanks, cuz people can still get hurt. If you honestly think im that stupid, then thats just too bad

.Simon. 12-14-2010 05:56 PM

I'm going to sound really patronising but you're 14 mate. You've got a lot to learn in life.

This topic should probably close now because I can tell you can't take advise, and I'm just losing my patience, so I won't try and answer your query any more.

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