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Steve 08-27-2004 07:58 AM

Known bugs in NILE
please see this thread which is a list of all the bugs that the NILE has to date :

please check the list to see if your problem is there.

Bloodking 06-19-2019 09:22 PM

i need help! when i create a map(i only tried TD) and start it ,it shows map name at map loading screen on first attempt ,second and third attempt but after that my maps names are not visible on map loading screen dont know why.every thing is correct.what i do just name my map and developer name from level properties.

FULL RETARD 12-09-2019 05:04 PM

That link obviously doesn't work anymore so I can't even check the list.

However, I do believe I have come across an issue probably no one else has encountered before.

It appears that tiles don't really work just anywhere in the terrain file. From a certain distance from the map center - I didn't take exact measurements here, forgive me for my sins - they only die the grass but they don't cut it.

This is something to take into account if you use ridiculous teleport stuff like I do. Instead of first building stuff and then adding tiles to find out it's not going to work so you basically have to relocate an entire modular building with interior all in all 100 or 200 objects you may wanna try first if the tiles cut the cheese before you start building stuff.

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