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.Simon. 06-25-2009 07:21 AM

Ive seen my friends change because of god. Sure they're good people, but for example..

My best friend in school was a girl called Naomi, and we used to go out and talk all the time. But since she's really embraced god, its gone downhill and now i never see or speak to her. So i'de rather keep living my life as i am, enjoying it and not hurting anyone, than change who i am.

Surely i can carry on living my life as well as i am, without having to worship god, that should be enough for him that im happy with what ive been given, without having to be worshipped.

skinny killer 06-25-2009 12:22 PM

well just think about it really hard.

if it is all true and real, than WHAT would you rather have. a good 80 years on earth, or eternity with someone as great as THE Lord.

that's the one reason he created us. to be with him.

alot of people like you are so quick to reject him when he is so quick to accept you to live with him.

but like I was saying, the choice is really yours. He forces no one to do anything. God said in his words to try him. he's just giving you a chance to escape from something very terrible.

sure some bad things will happen in life. it won't all be hunky dory. But that's just life. He could be testing you for all you know. you just never know.

As for me. I like to keep my relation ship with God with me. I really don't go to church or some kind of religious group. I don't even see this as a religion. It's more then that. like the strongest relationship you could ever have.

all of these churches seam to be all about singing (corny songs) and throw your hands in the air stuff! But that's not what it's all about. which is why I don't go to them. I'm sure that's not what God wants either. he just wants you to follow his ways and accept him.

Jus' give it some good thought.

Hellfighter 06-25-2009 01:08 PM

i think god is a human fan seating there watch the game of life.

life after death i think its wishful thinking, but for real i think when one dies thats it no then more to it. blank slate

Sam 06-25-2009 01:10 PM

That's not true william God loves you, He created us to be a mirror of Him. That's why were here on earth.

P.S. Good post there skinny

ShArP 06-25-2009 01:17 PM

Well then William, if nothing happens after death then what happens? do you really think that it just all ends?

and for you Simon, check out this book called 23 Minutes In Hell

skinny killer 06-25-2009 01:43 PM

Willy, This NOT just some fairy tale made up to get kids to behave such as you think.

Alot of people think that by not beliving in God that they are being smart and shows they are not "Simple minded". when they're really just being stupid.

you've made your choice willy. and good luck wif dat along with Steve. :D

Steve 06-25-2009 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by ShArP (Post 346552)
it just all ends

winnner :clap:

skinny killer 06-25-2009 02:07 PM

yup, a really screwed up world you and willy live in steve. Pretty sad if you think about it.

I'm already his. and to me that's what counts.

Steve 06-25-2009 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by skinny killer (Post 346557)
a really screwed up world you and willy live in steve. Pretty sad if you think about it.

i know full well the world is screwed up and religion sure aint helping out that's for damn sure ;)

skinny killer 06-25-2009 02:46 PM

well of course. God said the world would get wicked.

looks like that's exactly what's happening.

and you're going down with it. best of luck to ya. I'm safe, that's all I need to know. ;)

Steve 06-25-2009 03:18 PM

ah so you only care about yourself?? very selfish.

don't hate the atheist! fact > faith ;)

Chrispy 06-25-2009 03:51 PM

I'm also open-minded when it comes to religion too, but I'm way more of a fact/science person than a religion/faith type person. :)

skinny killer 06-25-2009 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by Steve (Post 346563)
ah so you only care about yourself?? very selfish.

don't hate the atheist! fact > faith ;)

No it's just that no one can help you now. remember. it's all about free will. God can't help you. he could be it would defeate the purpose.

So you're on yer own there buddy. you and Chrispy....... and willy.

So why should I bother. good luck fellers.


don't hate the atheist! fact > faith ;)
So where's your "FACTS"?

And no I don't hate atheists. I just feel sorry for them.

Steve 06-25-2009 05:34 PM

go look up any scientific experiment and investigation about how life has evolved/works - there is quite a few, these are known as facts... which backup my beliefs.

i'll hazard a guess that your belief is based on faith and a book, and no facts whatsoever.

noone can prove any god exists, it's just faith.

my life is infinately more valuable without believing in any kind of afterlife because it's the only one i'll ever have and i choose to enjoy it as much as i can.

seriously don't feel sorry for atheists, more room in heaven for you ;)

skinny killer 06-25-2009 05:59 PM

go look up any scientific experiment and investigation about how life has evolved/works - there is quite a few, these are known as facts... which backup my beliefs.

Exactly. But they still can't figure out how it was started.

With their supid Big Bang theory,They think that all of this came from nothing. yet they don't believe that this could have come from a higher form of existance.

Lets just say you do belive in it and it's all true. what's happen when you die and you find out you just rejected the one chance you had of escaping evil as the damned swallow you up?

Steve 06-25-2009 06:37 PM

is the big bang theory really any more absurd than believing "a higher form of existance." that noone can prove?

scientists don't say "no god exists", they just investigate / prove theories and deal 100% with facts. Scientific experiments and theories are not created to disprove religion dood. they just provide contradictory evidence constantly ;)

skinny killer 06-25-2009 06:56 PM

Some times I think they are right.

God said in the beginning he created the heavens and the earth. he didn't say How.

maybe there's truth in both sides. maybe God created this world in the way scientist say it was created.

no one will ever know. and that's the whole point. God doesn't want every one to know.

think about it. if everyone knew that their sole was being claiming by evil and there was a way to get out of it, then everyone would choose God simply to get out.

it all boils doen to free will. God wants us to choose him because we have faith in the words he gave us and becuase we really love him. not just so we can avoid something tarrible. so once again. He's giving you the choice. if everyone had HARD proof that he is real and hell is real then God would be back to squar one with every choosing him becuase they are forced too.

Sam 06-25-2009 08:08 PM

Right on Skinny keep showing them whose the real God!!!!

.Simon. 06-25-2009 08:21 PM

Im sorry if i sound blunt, but why should god recieve my love and respect if he cant show me his 'power'? If he is so marvelous and powerful, why can;t he reach out to me, why do i need to go looking for him?

Skinny said: " It's more then that. like the strongest relationship you could ever have."

Thats what upset me about loosing my best friend. How can you possibly find a 'presence' more important than your best friend, lover or family.. Im quite offended by that and how narrow minded some people are.

Sam 06-25-2009 08:28 PM

WE ARE NOT NARROW MINDED God does not like people that say things like that to people that are His servants. I'm being serious Simon!!!! you may want to repent to God

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