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Trojan 08-10-2005 04:56 PM

NHQ GFX Championship 2005 - Hosted by Trojan of NHQ w/Prize
Hosted by Trojan of NHQ. "I've decided to organize yet another tournament for our entertainment and bragging rights. I hope that all of you talented guys and gals will consider entering. What kind of prize would you like to recieve? A new game? A free domain name for a year? or a Subscription to your favorite Magazine? Suggestions are welcome. The winner will recieve something.

This tournament will be voted on by the NHQ public for the entire Delta Force/Joint Operations Community to see. -Trojan

Sign Ups:
[1] Roshi
[2] Spazz
[3] Luckz
[4] Jeff
[5] MedicHaaaZ
[6] Living
[7] Chief
[8] Lemy
[9] PrecisioN
[10] Dr. Bullet
[11] Vixxy
[12] ringer
[13] TagZ
[14] Skin
[15] JClaw
[16] Parallax

Once the polls begin, they will remain open for 48 hours. They will be posted Wednesday August 17th or before depending on how fast everyone can submit their links. So check daily. If you need hosting, you can add me to msn and send them to me. .

You all have until Tuesday August 16th Midnight CST to produce your signature for round 1. Thank you all for signing up. We have some great talent here. Best of luck to you all.

Roshi 08-10-2005 05:33 PM

well if theres actully a prize im game :)

Spazz 08-10-2005 05:58 PM

i'll enter but i dont think there should be themes

Luckz 08-10-2005 07:19 PM

Sign me up for this bad boy, but i dont know if there should be themes would rather not

Trojan 08-10-2005 07:42 PM

So far so good! 3 of the best thus far. Thanks fellas! :gj: Be thinking of a prize you would like.

Jeff 08-10-2005 08:16 PM

I'm in. Prize is cool, but dont go all out for a small graphics tourny, something smaller (not a game, too expensive for whats being done) in price / have the option to take the money instead. Themes, maybe.

Lets get this baby rolling!

the Medic™ 08-10-2005 08:25 PM

im in :D dont matter what the price is, its all fun :D

Trojan 08-10-2005 08:31 PM

If you guys wanna talk about this or whatever, come chat with me on our teamspeak.

Lucky 08-10-2005 09:31 PM

im in troj :gj:

Hellfighter 08-10-2005 09:37 PM

will i am

add me to this list if it ok with all.

Dr. Bullet 08-10-2005 10:06 PM

I'm not in, cuz I suck at graphics, but I say no themes :D

.ringer. 08-10-2005 10:52 PM

brand new car would be cool

.Simon. 08-11-2005 03:27 AM

Gibson Les Paul Standard would also be nice :)

count me in, and no themes please troj

Sal UK 08-11-2005 06:22 AM

Well as its A Graphics comp why not a graphics card? or a small cheap graphics tablet?

Well I dont know, Just giving some ideas.... :)

I'm not sure yet if I am entering, But you never know... :)

oh sorry forgot, No Theme would be better.

Also The reason im not sure yet is because It doesnt say if its going to be an original graphics comp, In that I mean no cutouts, screenshots well nothing but your own work from brushes to the actual graphics used to create the finished project.

.infamous. 08-11-2005 09:08 AM

no themes...and prize should be 100$? so they can buy wateer they want

Trojan 08-11-2005 09:22 AM

I'm thinking a good ole fashion money order or paypal transaction. What do you guys think about that?

Sal UK 08-11-2005 09:41 AM

Well If I was to win which would be highly unlikely, You could donate it to any cancer charity or cancer research of your choosing m8.

NaughtyPerry 08-11-2005 09:55 AM

i dont think its fair really mate, you paying for a prize out of your own pocket... i think we should do a paid GFX tourney, where we each say pay £5 to enter and the winner takes all - that way noone has to fork out alot of money

Trojan 08-11-2005 10:08 AM


Originally posted by Sal UK
Well If I was to win which would be highly unlikely, You could donate it to any cancer charity or cancer research of your choosing m8.
I would love to do that Sal.

TagZ, thanks but I am wanting to do something for you guys. You keep our forums jumping and I just wanted to let you all know that I appreciate ya. I wont go all out but it will be something nice whether it be money say between $25 and $50 or a game of your choice, subscription to PCGamer or free domain name. I want you guys to decide. Something the winner needs is the best prize I can think of. New Mouse? Real Nice Mouse Pad, Keyboard, something. You guys be thinking and all ideas are welcome.

Chels 08-11-2005 10:26 AM


Originally posted by Trojan
I would love to do that Sal.

TagZ, thanks but I am wanting to do something for you guys. You keep our forums jumping and I just wanted to let you all know that I appreciate ya. I wont go all out but it will be something nice whether it be money say between $25 and $50 or a game of your choice, subscription to PCGamer or free domain name. I want you guys to decide. Something the winner needs is the best prize I can think of. New Mouse? Real Nice Mouse Pad, Keyboard, something. You guys be thinking and all ideas are welcome.

HEHE I just bought my ma a laptop and shes wanting a new mouse to go to it and stuff, but im still unsure to enter or not.... :(

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