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Creator 01-19-2020 10:41 AM

I am without ideas. :/
Give me an idea for a new Black Hawk Down Custom Mission...I have no inspiration these days:thud::thud::thud:

cambreaKer 01-19-2020 03:01 PM

i have 2 ideas, the first is the mission irene but it's from the enemies perspective and the second is a mission where you attack a large enemy base in colombia and destroy a lot of weapon crates

Guest001 01-19-2020 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by Creator (Post 393426)
Give me an idea for a new Black Hawk Down Custom Mission...I have no inspiration these days:thud::thud::thud:

Take yourself out of your comfort zone and into the unknown.

Put yourself to the test and try something that was too hard before, there must be something, use it as your seed.

If you can't think of anything ahead of time, trust me, just setup an empty map and jump in... :gj:

Baldo_the_Don 01-20-2020 03:45 AM

The only way I got so good at helicopters in DFBHDTS was having so much time and no ideas, so I just started what I call 'doing tricks.' Like seeing the ruined roof of a bombed out building and thinking, "Can I get a Blackhawk to land on that?" (Spoiler: yes.), or "Can I set up several different helicopter runs for one helicopter and trigger them at different times?" (Also yes.)

I don't get any maps finished, honestly, but I know how to do a lot of stuff most mappers don't. I've discovered limits (at least one, for sure) that nobody suspected.

I second Stomps statement: just start messing around with it. No garantees that'll it'll turn into a mission, but you'll be learning things the MEd can do, and may even figure out how to fake things the MEd can't do.

You start out banging the rocks together, next thing you know, you're detecting gravitational waves. SCIENCE!

Guest001 01-20-2020 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by Baldo_the_Don (Post 393431)
I don't get any maps finished, honestly, but I know how to do a lot of stuff most mappers don't.

A map with it all would be epic!


The difficulty avoiding meltdown gets higher as you go with certain restrictions also reigning things in.

The best solution for this is map linking. :gj:

Besides all that, the time taken and the completixity of it all can become overwhelming.


As for not finishing maps...?

I've conducted thousands of tests and have hundreds of template type maps.

I've published some 50 or so maps over a 10 year period which isn't all that prolific - some maps have taken months or have been on hold for years.

Some are the same map modified for MP or COOP etc, some are more like a demonstration map.

From all this you could see why I would agree that finishing a map is hard but also why I wouldn't agree that you can run out of ideas or things to try.

Baldo_the_Don 01-21-2020 04:49 AM

Well, things come up, like, "I want to put jump jets on all my mechs in MechCommander 2. How do?" (Edits in .csv files) Or, "I don't like the way the weapons, crosshairs, et cetera are in the Battlefield 2 demo. Can fix?" (I can. Mostly. With difficulties.)

So, yes, I'm admitting that DFBHDTS is not my only game.

Also, custom crosshair sprites for Half-Life and HL1 mods, especially Vampire Slayer VI.

Creator 01-21-2020 06:46 AM

Two missions came to mind long enough that I will probably build both.

The objectives of the first are to destroy enemy weapons and vehicles (located in different places) and blow up the bridge crossed by the enemies. On one side of the bridge there will be the Mountain Teammates and on the other side the enemies (the part of the bridge will be similar to "Bandit Crossing"). All I need to do is decide whether to add an extraction of all the Teammates at the end of the mission or to finish it when the bridge explodes.

In the second mission the objectives would be to reach an enemy ship with a convoy but to get there you must destroy the enemy mortars that block the passage of allied vehicles.

I haven't started anything yet but these days when I have time, work starts.:fingersx:

Meanwhile, for those who have it, I have a Delta Force 2 mission just finished ... these days I am putting it on Novahq:gj::headbang:

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