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skinny killer 03-25-2011 08:38 AM

Battlefield 3
Has anyone seen the gameplay footage of Battlefield 3? Be sure to watch in HD.

Looks outstanding so far. :jump:

.Simon. 03-26-2011 11:43 AM

Yep, definitely going to get this. Hope it's not another Medal of Honour though, that looked good and sucked.

atholon 04-29-2011 09:52 AM

Don't understand why every military shooter has to have the F-word in it now. I don't want my kid/family hearing that crap so why buy the game?

RedrumSalad 04-29-2011 06:58 PM

that's why it's rated 'M' and it kinda adds more realism cuz that word is thrown around ALOT in the military. u dont usually hear a soldier say "heck" or "fudge" anymore. but im definitely getting this game, theres no way it can turn into a medal of honor.

Mstenger404 04-30-2011 03:33 PM

If the F-word determines realism, someone's priorities needs to be straightened out. It's the lack of regenerating health and no ability to do all the work with no help that determines realism.

atholon 04-30-2011 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by Mstenger404 (Post 372513)
If the F-word determines realism, someone's priorities needs to be straightened out. It's the lack of regenerating health and no ability to do all the work with no help that determines realism.

Yeah I agree. I know plenty of people in the military that are on the front lines. They don't all drop the F-bomb and even if they did... they weren't around there three year old kid when they did.

RedrumSalad 04-30-2011 09:51 PM

yah true lol. have u ever considered building a gaming room/den? it could work.

SilentTrigger 05-01-2011 03:19 AM

I agree aswell, it's unnessesary to use that language. But it seems to be the norm in action games these days :(

RedrumSalad 05-01-2011 08:51 AM

yah, but i have noticed that around here, the F-word is thrown around alot, even in school, but not around teachers (of course) my dad uses it like its his favorite word, and so does my entire girlfriend's family. so really, 2 things could cause this:
1. its because i live in a redneck part of new york, lol.
2. just a coincidence.

Systemkaos 05-09-2011 04:48 AM

The game rating system is designed to let you know "kids" should not hear it. I can assure the devs, promoters, managers and every middle man involved thought the F-Bomb out. Its up to each individual country to rate the game based off of different things wich in turn will tell you (the customer) if your child should be around the game.

Given the information on the box its down to you to shelter or show your child. Past law suits have made this an industry standard.

.Simon. 05-10-2011 07:46 AM

So are you guys saying that the swearing is unnecessary for games in general, or you don't want your kids to be listening to a game where people are swearing?

Because tbh, I think the gratuitous violence is slightly worse than a few swear words that kids will hear in everyday life.

SilentTrigger 05-10-2011 10:55 AM

I seing as too a general perspecive, just see it as annoying when every other word is the f-word :(

.Simon. 05-10-2011 04:26 PM

I know what you mean, but with more and more games including pretty graphic violence and torture scenes, I'd be more concerned about that.

Mstenger404 05-10-2011 04:37 PM

Arma still counters those points, barely any cuss words, and a miniscule amount of gore.

SilentTrigger 05-11-2011 11:38 AM

The new operation flashpoint on the other hand is 90% f-word before every mission and it's getting really annoying :(

Mstenger404 05-11-2011 07:35 PM

I totally just picked up this month's gameinformer and read about that!

" ...Rather than fill these action lulls with character development, your over-aggressive CO performs a tired impression of Gunnery Sergeant Hartman from Full Metal Jacket the entire time. When he's not harping about his damn rules, he's shouting over-written insults that almost always fall flat."

Atleast OFP dragon rising wasn't as curse riddled as red river.

atholon 05-12-2011 02:41 PM

You know it is more bothersome that they can't be inconvenienced to make an option in the settings to disable "adult" language. They are all about pushing the envelopes of what was previously possible but yet can't waste the time to do something as simple as that.


Originally Posted by .Simon. (Post 372656)
I know what you mean, but with more and more games including pretty graphic violence and torture scenes, I'd be more concerned about that.

TBH, my wife and kid are not watching the screen with me as I play. On top of that I don't see strategic shooters as being "gratuitous violence." If I was playing something like Left Four Dead or Grand Theft Auto, then that would be a different story. I wasn't aware, however, of the torture scenes in BF3.

.Simon. 05-14-2011 10:49 AM

I don't know about BF3 but the newest COD has and MW2 had the scene where you played a Russian terrorist gunning down civilians in the airport.

Guest001 05-14-2011 12:58 PM

Does the player have to tag along or can the scenario be altered in real time by player interaction?

Mstenger404 05-14-2011 08:02 PM

It's CoD, the player is never allowed to make his own decisions. The only exception: "this next scene is very graphic, you can choose to skip this with no impact on the story."

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