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Scott 09-24-2012 12:42 PM back in action?
I just noticed that DF Barracks is now back online after a few years of having a broken site. Not sure who is behind it but it's nice to see it back online!

--BulletMagnet-- 09-24-2012 12:56 PM

redneckretart was behind most of it. Seems to be nearing full functionality again.

Scott 09-24-2012 01:02 PM

Good to hear!

sorceror12 09-24-2012 01:09 PM

Great news! :headbang:

Eagle_Eye 10-02-2012 10:03 AM

Hey Scott, you can't keep a good site down mate, that's why you still have NovaHQ running ;) and why I never gave up on getting DFB running again.

I ended up in control of DFB, but after Freaks soldout, and did the dirty on DFB, it has taken some time to finally get DFB back..

I've had a backup of the site for years. Major Headache pointed the dns to my host some time ago, but, me, not being php guy, got a bit lost lol.

Finally decided to enlist the help of redneckretart who has been a member of DFR and DFB for a long time :)

Almost running properly, have a few things to do with my host to get the Map Data Base to accept uploads..


Scott 10-02-2012 10:09 AM

Good to hear EE. It's good to have a few sites around for the community. How I remember the days..

Who is Freaks? Do you own the domain now? I hope at least someone reliable does... I figured that would be one of the first things to go. Hard to recover from losing a domain!

Eagle_Eye 10-03-2012 02:09 AM

Freaks where a site and gaming host. Major Headache, who still owns the domain for DFBarracks had a deal with them, host for free, all we had to do was give them free advertising.

Freaks sold to someone, not sure who, but the site was shut down, they didn't want to give us the same deal. Lucky, by then, I had convinced them to give me control of the site, and I downloaded a backup.

Without AB to help me put the site up, I archived it.. till now...

Major Headache still has The Mod Depot, and the Terranove-exp site running as well.

MH won't sell me the dfbarracks domain, but he has promised he will always keep the name, and so far, that has rung true.

I figure I was just the custodian of DFB, sorry to the community,for taking so long to get it can get a bit busy sometimes..

I have 2 hosts there in the US that I can host as many sites as I like, I have put DFBarracks with my ace-net host, there's 500 gig of space there, and as we have never had an incident losing any data with DFReload, I figure it's pretty safe there.


Guest001 10-08-2012 11:59 PM

Sorry to tell you I am as yet unable to upload.
Reaches Screenshot input and gives "Error Unable to process image".

--BulletMagnet-- 10-09-2012 12:19 AM

Yea, they're still working out kinks in the upload process.

Guest001 10-09-2012 07:20 AM

All good, I'll wait

bigsmellyfart 10-13-2012 08:33 PM

well its back and i was convinced it wouldnt remember my password but yea.... it did so wow thanks guys...
:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:: clap2:

Guest001 10-13-2012 09:27 PM

I couldn't log in either at first.
The site gave me back "no such member" or similar.
Then I did "recover password" (Email had the same one I used ) then it worked!

M*O*B 10-15-2012 10:24 AM

Currently Redneck is still working on the map upload process. Maps can get partially uploaded but the screen shot problem is being a real pain. It's hoped, that shortly that will be fixed, then it's just going through some other parts of the site to check to see what might need adjusting, but for now, the map data base is available for downloads!!!. Also, as time allows, the DFBarracks map data base is slowly being copied over at DFReload, so just in case there are any more problems, there will be a another sight for folks to go to for some of the older maps. Having NovaHq and the others are essential for those of us that are for some insane reason, committed to this damn

Scott 10-15-2012 10:27 AM

If anyone at DFB needs some PHP help, i'm fairly certain I can help out :bigthumb:

bigsmellyfart 10-15-2012 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by M*O*B (Post 379798)
Currently Redneck is still working on the map upload process. Maps can get partially uploaded but the screen shot problem is being a real pain. It's hoped, that shortly that will be fixed, then it's just going through some other parts of the site to check to see what might need adjusting, but for now, the map data base is available for downloads!!!. Also, as time allows, the DFBarracks map data base is slowly being copied over at DFReload, so just in case there are any more problems, there will be a another sight for folks to go to for some of the older maps. Having NovaHq and the others are essential for those of us that are for some insane reason, committed to this damn

there's only one thing better than a screen shot and thats a full shot glass.... well just thought i would
help relieve some of that frustration with a bit of humor and i hope it gets fixed soon i really like that site...


P.S. My CB handle is Whisky Barrel....

atholon 10-15-2012 02:08 PM

I'll have to see if I can remember my DFB username :S

Troy 10-17-2012 03:07 PM

Scott, we could throw up another Twitter in Days with Mine & Patriots Top100 Code. All we would have to do is tweek it.

navysea| 10-20-2012 09:42 PM

Holy crap I just downloaded 2 out of 3 (1 corrupted or something) of my maps that I made back in 2004. Never thought I would ever have those files back... What nostalgia...

bigsmellyfart 10-21-2012 02:32 AM

when the system and database is refurbbished i will check the data base to C if all my maps are there and if not try to retrive them from other places and from my hdd's backups etc and restore what i can...bhd river run i have and it was most popular for bhd I.E. it had a lot f ddownloads but i only played 2 or three servers that were hosting it so i dont know was it gud or wus it not gud.......dammmm 2 much wikki...i cnt saeetrate..................time fer anuttter seeip...

bigsmellyfart 10-21-2012 06:09 AM


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