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Chrispy 09-18-2006 10:52 PM

Been rejected for the first time
Been rejected for the first time

If you's didn't know (which you don't know :p ), today:

12:00-1:00, Tuesday 19th September 2006

I got rejected by my ''girlfriend'' by asking her out! :D

She's a real hot chick that I've wanted to plow since 3 months ago! She's been saying goodbyes to me and such so I know she likes me, said she has a good soul, even saved her spot in the library!

I was gonna ask her out in Term 4 but one of my ''neutral female friends'' just said to do it now. So I did! (I knew it wasn't the right time as well, thinking of doing it in Secondary School.)

I basically asked if she wanted to go out with me, but then she said sorry and I was better off with another girl due to her already having a boyfriend with this black boy up the road (when I call someone black, just take in mind I'm not being racist, but just addressing them that way).

Me and my friend Shaun have probably seen this guy before we were talking about. Oh, and I didn't cry. :p

The good thing is, many girls that have been malicous bitches to me for no apparent reason have started to be nice to be which is a good thing.

But anyways I tried, and that's all that matters for now.
Just like how Lucky said, I'd plow her into tomorrow if I had to.
(Can I last that long? :O)

Any of you's had a broken heart?

Oh, and just in case, in class, one of my friends said that she (Jade) had a list of her boyfriends; I was curious, but then again she might've forgotten about them if she hung out with me, but my friend was right dangit...

And if I had to kiss her, I wouldn't at the time until she loses her boyfriends. Nothing worse than having a girlfriend cheat on you. :mad:

I took the rejection naturally without being a psycho like my brother. :eek:

Chris_OJB_DF645 --:eek: :cool:

tail_gunner 09-18-2006 11:47 PM

lol, plow her i dont think was the right words to use, but thats really interesting so u lookin at a new girl already or what?

Chrispy 09-19-2006 01:56 AM

Na not really, if so, I'd doubt it. ;)

Chris_OJB_DF645 --

Scott 09-19-2006 05:35 AM

Re: Been rejected for the first time

Originally posted by Chris_OJB_DF645
(Can I last that long? :O)

Maybe if you started at 11:59pm :p hehe

I hope you didn't use the word 'plow' when asking her out? Sorry you got rejected..

Steve 09-19-2006 11:22 AM

Re: Re: Been rejected for the first time

Originally posted by Scott

I hope you didn't use the word 'plow' when asking her out? Sorry you got rejected..

omg pmsl :D

unlucky Chris, there is plenty more fish in the sea ;)

-Tigger- 09-19-2006 11:53 AM

lol, part of life m8.. but once u find the rite 1 u'll b with her 4 ages ;)

Mstenger404 09-19-2006 04:36 PM

i know how u feel chris :(, ive been close to getting a gf many times but as the idiot that i was i let them pass by., in fact, ive never went out with a girl ever.

Rampage. 09-19-2006 05:23 PM

ive just gone gay..

not really im straight..

but yea its a part of life, get reiected, reject people, and go out with people, its a non stop cycle.

Lucky 09-19-2006 07:00 PM

Rejection sucks. 4 times and counting here

^Atreyu 09-19-2006 09:54 PM

aren't you like 11? lol if you ''plow'', then your officially the coolest kid around.

Chrispy 09-20-2006 12:36 AM

LOL na I didn't say plow!

Heh, me and her are still mates in general, it's just that she's got a boyfriend now and I asked at the wrong time lol. Also I didn't feel embarrased asking but there were people around me at the time and that's damn bloody annoying lol...

I asked her out in front of our reliever teacher lol and some other kids and they were like ''PLAYER REJECTED!'' Imao.

Yeah, part of a cycle.

I'm 12, turning 13 this year. I'm planning on asking her out again on our class trip this term.
The bad thing is, I might look like an idiot. This is 'cause to me asking someone out again is just being demanding lol!

Chris_OJB_DF645 --:D ;)

Lakie 09-20-2006 12:47 AM

nope its called stalking, especially if your good mates with her shes probably going to have trouble seeing you as anything else. Youve asked her out once so she knows, probably best to let her make any moves, otherwise just enjoy the friendship..

-Tigger- 09-20-2006 02:08 AM

tbh u shudnt worry about getting a gf/bf when ur under 14 :O

Hellfighter 09-20-2006 01:42 PM


I was gonna ask her out in Term 4 but one of my ''neutral female friends'' just said to do it now. So I did! (I knew it wasn't the right time as well, thinking of doing it in Secondary School.)
‘‘Neutral female friends'': you every think about asking her? Seem she would be a nice person too.

Look going to the movies or getting a nice ice-cream at a ice cream store would be good together.

It’s not like you asking a girl on a date to be yours for life. It means going out have a good time enjoy it with some one who do care. Other wise it be a waste of time.

Have to ask; has there been any other girl who likes you? And you had turn them down to going out to a movie or anything?

BB is right you should enjoy it when your so young go out play ball or enjoy the wild life around you. when you get about 15-16 then you can get real about a g/f. i think it better till you was 18yrs old or 21yrs heart breakless then when you see some one for what they are really like. in school it all show not real when a person age they chaing a lot.

Chrispy 09-21-2006 02:56 AM

Hmm... Mum will not even let me out of the house so going to the movies? No no lol.
BB is right, but it's just hard to resist ignoring a pretty chick!

Chris_OJB_DF645 --:D :D

Hellfighter 09-21-2006 05:27 PM


Originally posted by Chris_OJB_DF645
Hmm... Mum will not even let me out of the house so going to the movies? No no lol.
BB is right, but it's just hard to resist ignoring a pretty chick!

Chris_OJB_DF645 --:D :D

is the crime rate really high in your area?

Chrispy 09-22-2006 12:05 AM

No. She's too scared of me getting hurt. VERY STRICT. Which explains why I'm at the computer right now.

Chris_OJB_DF645 --

Hellfighter 09-22-2006 12:42 AM

will thats cool at lease she knows your safe

katana*GFR* 09-22-2006 11:56 AM


Originally posted by Chris_OJB_DF645
No. She's too scared of me getting hurt. VERY STRICT. Which explains why I'm at the computer right now.

Chris_OJB_DF645 --

Tell my wife that, because she says i spend to many time here! lol

Sorry to hear about the rejection Chris.. I had a couple myself... And i only remember 1 good...
Twins, i asked 1, she said no so i asked her sister... And the siter said yes.. HAHA revenge!

and the rest.. well thats a mature story, but in the end i had both of them...

Bustin 09-22-2006 01:36 PM

I'm sorry but I have to laugh at all this! You're 12, what would you do after she becomes your "gf" hold hands in the lunch line? Seriously man if I could even go through HS again I'd have stayed clear of girls until I had graduated, and I am only 20! Go join the football team or something girls are the last thing that should be on your mind, especially consisting of thoughts that involve the word plow...

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