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Harley Mech 12-23-2007 09:07 AM

Ping Times
Hi There.
I have just had two sites boot me,,saying:

"My PING TIME is not high enough"

Easy question,,How do I stop this from happening?
As I don't fully understand "PING TIMES".


Harley Mech

Chrispy 12-23-2007 02:31 PM

Ping time not high enough? That's weird - you sure it said that? It should be "Ping time not low enough." instead.

To put it in the simplest way, higher ping means higher lag. Lower ping means lower lag. What connection are you running? Dialup is usually the cause sometimes of high ping.

Make sure your connection (when playing online and visiting sites), is the fastest it can possibly be. So nothing downloading in the background, etc.


ShArP 12-23-2007 06:18 PM

yea your Ping Times is how fast your internet is basically, the lower it is the better

:D :D :D

Harley Mech 12-23-2007 07:35 PM

Hi Guys.
OK,,I think I have this now.

Chrispy,,,,you could be right,,it could have said low enough,,,the message did'nt last long.

So,,a PING,,is like a sona ping the submarines use.
A "PING",,is a two way thing,,yeah?
It goes out and then it comes back,,,am I near?

The weird thing is,,I'm on cable a buying in 2 meg of broadband.
Cable is usually far better than telephone cable as it is sent through fibre optic wires and not copper wires from the source

I will say,,,I have noticed I can get more kills as a gunner after midnight,,but that may have nothing to do with nothing.

If the broadband has dropped,,and guys I don't expect it to drop to less than 200kb,,,(Chrispy mentioned dial up,,thats 48kb max in this country).

I'll talk to my ISP people tomorrow,,,trouble is,,if they wanna bull**** me with science,,they can.
Thats why I'm looking for advice.

Is it possible,,that the ping goes out strong,,,but returns weak,,as a weak signal causeing the message to come up.

Hellfighter 12-23-2007 08:48 PM

do this download a file say around 50mb and upload a file same size see how long it really takes.

some service will limited the bandwidth when feeding data between hops

Home> Hops> hops> Hops> Game Server as will return feed.

if any of them relays hops lagging you get higher ping time as will the game server as will say some one is making it lag like crazy as bombs going off or grenades a lot of these can make it lag

the cable server connection is a bet better then dailup.

check spy-ware, melware running in the back ground as you playing the game as will any-software software update going on as you connected

IcIshoot 12-23-2007 09:47 PM

it is possible for admins of game servers to set a minimum ping....

I have never done it, so I don't know if that would generate a "Ping is not high enough" - I'll have to check that out....

Harley Mech 12-25-2007 06:57 PM

This is all good information from you guys and thanks very much.
I am slowly getting my head around this stuff.
As for mall ware and all that stuff,,,I do quite a bit of inhouse cleaning and use JV16 to keep the temp folders clean.

I am slowly coming to the conclusion that my ISP on that day went down so low,,the system had to boot me as I was almost a lost connection.,,if that makes sense.

In the new year I hope to upgrade my graphics card too as I have had a minor education on frame rate and how it can mess up the game.

it seems there is a huge amount to learn about both,,,the only way around it,,is to go beserk and buy the biggest broadband width and get a highly expensive computer with 2 PCI express slots and spend fortunes on a pair of graphic cards.

Merry Christmas and Great New Year to you all...and thanks again.

Harley Mech

Hellfighter 12-25-2007 07:51 PM

there is some thing other you have keep in mind all so, if the main host site or server is slow to start with don't matter how fast your service is it will be slow reason you can only download item as fast they send data out from there end

Harley Mech 12-26-2007 07:41 AM

Excellent point about the server I am contacting.

I suppose as,, "ASSUMPTION IS THE MOTHER OF ALL *UCK UPS",,I did assume that the servers would be leading edge and lightening fast.

But throwing that into the equation realy triples the aggravasion and learning levels,,,lollll,,,as if there ain't enough to cope with.

Jckl 12-26-2007 11:21 AM

seems they gave you the breakdown of ping. One thing i noticed you said is cable is fiber. This is not true. Cable is still copper... They do have fiber they are starting to use but its called fiber to the curb or it has some other names. The way it works is they run fiber to the street or now to a box on the house and then cat5 cable to the modem.

Ping is two way so to say. You send out a request and then the computer on the other end sends back a reply.

Harley Mech 12-27-2007 05:07 AM

You are correct.
I phoned my ISP and they use copper from the box in the street to my house.
I was under the impression that they used fibre optic cables all the way from their servers to my house,,,so thanks for the education.

Can you explian your comment,,"they gave me a breakdown of ping".


Harley Mech

Jckl 12-27-2007 06:51 AM

i said that meaning the people who responded to your question gave you the basic info of what ping is. There is more to it if you wanted to know the technical parts but most people will never need to know all of it.

Harley Mech 12-28-2007 08:21 AM

MMM,,yes,,its an annoying habit of mine to always try to understand things better.
I should appriatiate that some things are too complex to really understand in a few words and need serious study which takes a long time.

Already because of guys like you,,my awareness of how things work has improved dramatically,,,it will take many months I think to get to understand all the idiocynccrasies of online gaming.

Thanks for your help,,it all adds up

Harley Mech

IcIshoot 12-28-2007 09:28 AM

At least your willing to learn - lots of players these days don't make any effort so when something weird happens the first thing they assume is that the person is cheating.

Harley Mech 12-28-2007 06:07 PM

I too have felt that need to think "cheat".
It is human nature to blame everything else but yourself and it took years for me to look long and hard at myself before wacking others.

But when it comes to blaming technology,,it the evidence we need and that can only be gained by gathering knowledge.

It is guys like you here in this post that take the time to educate pond life like me,,but with the internet and your help,,I will grow.

Harley Mech

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