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lotuspod6th 09-11-2017 10:15 PM

[DFLW] delta force landwarrior LAN problems, of course.
Hello, I'm new to the forums. I'm a 40 year old man with LAN problems. My buddies and I have gotten landwarrior to finally work on LAN after 20 something years of trying. At first it didn't seem to work but we read that you have to wait 5 minutes to join in, so we tried it and it seemed to work. Now we have went through numerous maps trying them out but only 12 maps were playable. How come the majority of the maps didn't work? And is there a way around the long wait time to join in? Yes, we have the game updated and exp's installed and mods installed. We have played these maps online before with no problems. We all are using ipxwrapper with win7. Last year we dual boot our pc's with xp to try the LAN out but could not get it to work till now. No internet at our home either. Thanks and keep up the good work.

Scott 09-12-2017 09:12 AM

Welcome to the forums :)

You might have better luck using a tool like IPRipper and NW Auth to join your local games. I've managed to make IPX work a few times but every time it was a hassle and it was never stable or consistant. Here is another way to do it. It seems difficult but it's really easy after you do it once or twice.

**** For all of this, do not use dflwlc.exe. Use only dflw.exe ****

Download the two programs here:
IP Ripper
NW Auth

Server HOST needs to find their LAN ip address. In a command window (Click "Start" and type "cmd". Open a Command Prompt and type "ipconfig". You're looking for IPv4 Address. Write this down, the clients will use this IP.

Open NWAuthenticator.exe before starting the game
Open game and host a session using NovaWorld as the server type (NOT IPX)

Make a backup of the Startup.htm in your game folder
Put the NovaWorld IPRip.exe program inside your game folder (where dflw.exe is)
Open NovaWorld IPRip.exe and type in the IP:Port of the lan server (default dflw port is 17478)
Click "Create StartUp.htm".
Launch the game. When you click Play on NovaWorld and Accept you'll join your buddies local game with LAN speeds.

Let me know if this works for you.. This should work the same for TFD as well.

lotuspod6th 10-03-2017 02:18 PM

df games update lan
thank you for trying to help me out but your suggestion still did not work. any other ideas? i read somewhere that these games work fine LAN if you use windows 98 is that true? Also years ago when df3 was popular there was a room that had awesome maps and was always on the last page called something like "dentyutraining". I would like to see if any one could get ahold of these people to release their maps that they had. their maps were awesome and i loved them. ok again thanks

Scott 10-03-2017 02:35 PM

What part of it didn't work for you?

That's the only way I know how to get it working. I tried it with all games, DF1 through BHD. The only other thing I can suggest is trying a program like IPXWrapper from here

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