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Deadfool=pm= 08-27-2004 01:40 PM

A & D on JO
Not sure if I am posting this in the correct spot, but if I am not I hope that an admin will move to post or re-direct me for future post....

Anyays, just wanted to let any players out there know that the Pepper Mill community now has a Attack & Defend server up and running 24/7 in the International lobby on JO.

All custom maps, tons of new targets and features compaired to the BHD A & D game type. So even if your not a regular to A & D stop by and check out some of the new features and targets.

See you all on the battlefield!!

MaBoese 09-05-2004 09:23 AM

If u like A&D don't miss the NOTAP Maps server.
Now with 25 custom maps.

Look here : NOTAP custom maps

Deadfool=pm= 09-05-2004 10:15 AM

What lobby is NOTAP in?

Tried to find your server when I saw a previous post of yours, but couldn't find it, may of just be off line?

The Pepper Mill server is located in the international lobby if you ever want to see our take on A & D maps, will check out your server when I can find it. :cool:

MaBoese 09-08-2004 05:45 AM

We are usual in the international Lobby.
If the IL down I prefer the West Coast Lobby.

Just register to NOTAP Maps forum to see date and time for

Deadfool=pm= 09-14-2004 12:37 PM

Still looking lol.


This Thrusday the mill will be holding a "open house" so to speak. We've gone around inviting a bunch of different squads and teams to stop by the server throughout the night and mix it up.

We're hoping for a good turn out, and that perhaps squads will get a chance to network, and maybe get to see some of the peeps they've had matches in before in a regular setting, as well as meeing some new squads or teams, and setting up new matches with each other.

All are welcome to stop by, server is open to the public 24/7 in the international lobby.

Hope to see some of you guys there.


Cody 7 09-16-2004 12:27 PM

Wow! i LOVED A&D in BHD, i didn't think there was even that game type in Joint Ops. I will certainly see you there.

P.S. MaBose that's an awesome picture of the G-36.

Deadfool=pm= 09-22-2004 03:03 PM

Last Thursday the nova update kicked our open house blow out in the butt, so we are going to try again this week. If you guys like A & D, or have never played it before, come by and check us out. A bunch of other teams will be there, so there will be a good opportunity for making contacts and setting up matches after the exchange of web sites.

We have about 20 custom maps on the server now, and more to come, so come by and check out our take on A & D.

I know this sounds like an advertisment, but we are just trying to expand the A & D community out there, not too many teams know how to play the game, or just haven't been exposed to it.

Hope to see some of you guys there.


MaBoese 09-26-2004 03:31 AM

@cody, I luv my G36 :)
I have updated the thread NOTAP custom maps.
pls remember to register to the NOTAP forum for session date and times. Seems u like my maps and server?

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