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.DareDevil. 12-08-2003 05:34 PM

I found out something cool i never knew about BHD
That you can climb some telephone poles they have weird hand laddered looking things on the left and right side of pole.See.........

d3reddragon 12-08-2003 09:14 PM


d3reddragon 12-08-2003 09:15 PM

Thx tips!:D

bobsm8 12-14-2003 09:46 PM

*shakes head* played the game much then eh m8?..what ya reckon to it?

animal_mutha 12-15-2003 01:57 AM

damn!!! used to be my favourite spot to snipe....errrr... 4 months ago... but it seems more & more people knew about it...LOL!!! Dont u dare snipe on top of em' poles... i'll get ya!!! MUAHAHAHHAAA!!!!

PK_Spinal 12-15-2003 03:56 AM

lol i always known about that the best thing with those is 2 Use AT4 against a Group of peepz just after they Spawn :P

*I*W££Z™ 12-20-2003 02:17 PM

LOL wow I never knew that...............LOL

PK_Spinal 12-20-2003 04:24 PM

lol well now u do! :D

Dutchie 12-21-2003 01:33 PM

hehe it was a nice spot when not many new it :)

animal_mutha 12-22-2003 09:31 PM

yeah dutchie..... especially in a packed urban custom map.... nobody will notice the pole.... they just whizz thru the alleys.... & we just snipe em or i usually use the mp5 for "silent treatment". They wont know what hit em. They'll end up lookin at the rooftops instead of the poles.... but yeahhh ... its no fun anymore since lotsa peeps knew about it now.....

you and your big mouth visor_dflw... LOL (kidding) LOL!!!

.Simon. 12-23-2003 07:05 AM

well if u didnt know u cud climb telephone poles... WHERE U BEEN ALL THIS TIME?? lol

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