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Well to be quite honest with you I've always wanted to read the Bible - it seems interesting to read. But I ain't going too religious any time soon. :P
i try everytime i can too read the bible any chance i get. everyday!!!
I've always been a little like you Chrispy. Trying too look at everything scientifically and try to find a reasonable explanation for things.
But that was not possible with God. He just took me away. Scientific theories have always been dis proven at one time or another. no matter how big or small. Such as when people had the theory that the sun moves around the earth. or when people had the theory that the earth was flat. Tell me one thing about the Bible that has yet to be disproved by using science or has yet to be disproved at all? as far as I know, Science has only theories that contradict the Bible. So what makes the two opinions differ? which is exactly how god wants it. because once again it totally leaves the choice up to you and not based on facts. pretty interesting if ya think about it m8. ;) |
just like before you said Quote:
also please tell me the theory of evolution is nonsence and the church disregards it so i can prove you don't understand your religion even more :) i'll just say again that i don't have a problem with anyone believeing in a god, all i'm doing is asking some questions because i'm trying to make sense of it, but even those people who do believe in a god find it extremely difficult to sum up what they believe, actually describe what god is consistently and provide any proof. see the replies Chrispy - "read the bible", again no question answers their whole thinking , life and death is based on faith rather than fact based evidence... thats one heck of a gamble to base your lifestyle on. and were the crazy ones eh? |
these things were proved wrong by other scientists because they investigated and found proof. the bible teaches one thing and one thing only. science moves on and continually investigaes and is happy to prove itself wrong. i'm struggling a bit trying to see your point, are you sayign that science proves science wrong or that the bible says science is wrong in terms of your above points? i know that science prioves science wrong but the bible mentions four corners of the earth, the ends of the earth, the earth not being able to move and the earth being a circle (flat) on numerous occasions. so basically you have said that people though the earth was flat (hundreds of years ago) - based on religious views?? until science was able to prove it was actually a sphere? [IMG]http://i519.photobucket.com/albums/u...usFacepalm.jpg[/IMG] |
it sure is Stevy. and you're right, I don't fully understand the Bible. I've not read it all yet. I'm only sharing what I've found so far. when you do read it. you won't understand it at first. it'll all pull together soon. but as I've said before(but you probably won't get this thru your head anymore then the other times) God does not want hard proof about any religion or Christianity. because once again that would defeat the purpose as to why he gave us the knowledge of evil and other religions. But just think about it, you can't help but notice one fact. there's been no hard proof about evolution or Christianity or any other religions. which is once again how God wants it. Quote:
How is that any easier to believe than Christianity?????? because some geek on the science channel said so??? LOL There's a fair argument on each side. but from what I've learned and what I've seen personally from God. there could have been no other way. and just becuase I'm 15 does not mean I'm simple minded as I've gotten that impression from your last post. |
and insulting my intelligence is not very mature. |
that one is definately sig worthy end of discussion for me. |
you're worse than the media.
That the best come back you have. haha!!! |
don't do that to the admin of the forum skinny!!!!! i must agree with skinny though, scientists try too find solutions too problems that the world has, but those problems have already been solved in the Bible, cause in the Bible every question that you have is already answered in the Bible.
Please drop it Skinny. Theres no point in forcing your beliefs upon others by arguing over many things you clearly dont understand. Its like the whole jehovas witness thing where they come knocking at your door and preach to you for twenty minutes while you try and be polite and tell them no thanks. you tell them you are an atheist and they realy get going and mark your address as a soul that needs saving. I had that happen and eventualy called the police when i saw them walking to my house. They were removed from my property and given a warning, I still have my copy of it to present to another officer if they returned that would get them instantly arrested. moral is, People who have respect for you but believe differently will eventualy lose that respect.
These forums are not the correct place to have such a discussion, unless Steve would be kind enough to put in a debate forum where debateable topics such as religion and politics are allowed as long as they are kept clean like this one was. |
Main Entry:the·o·ry Pronunciation:\ˈthē-ə-rē, ˈthir-ē\ Function:noun Inflected Form(s):plural the·o·ries Etymology:Late Latin theoria, from Greek theōria, from theōrein Date:1592 1: the analysis of a set of facts in their relation to one another 2: abstract thought : speculation 3: the general or abstract principles of a body of fact, a science, or an art <music theory> 4 a: a belief, policy, or procedure proposed or followed as the basis of action <her method is based on the theory that all children want to learn> b: an ideal or hypothetical set of facts, principles, or circumstances —often used in the phrase in theory<in theory, we have always advocated freedom for all> 5: a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena <the wave theory of light> 6 a: a hypothesis assumed for the sake of argument or investigation b: an unproved assumption : conjecture c: a body of theorems presenting a concise systematic view of a subject <theory of equations> [I]Main Entry:hy·poth·e·sis Pronunciation:\hī-ˈpä-thə-səs\ Function:noun Inflected Form(s):plural hy·poth·e·ses \-ˌsēz\ Etymology:Greek, from hypotithenai to put under, suppose, from hypo- + tithenai to put — more at do Date:circa 1656 1 a: an assumption or concession made for the sake of argument b: an interpretation of a practical situation or condition taken as the ground for action 2: a tentative assumption made in order to draw out and test its logical or empirical consequences 3: the antecedent clause of a conditional statement synonyms hypothesis, theory, law mean a formula derived by inference from scientific data that explains a principle operating in nature. hypothesis implies insufficient evidence to provide more than a tentative explanation <a hypothesis explaining the extinction of the dinosaurs>. theory implies a greater range of evidence and greater likelihood of truth <the theory of evolution>. law implies a statement of order and relation in nature that has been found to be invariable under the same conditions <the law of gravitation>.[/I] http://www.merriam-webster.com Those are the start of finding a FACT. read this: http://undsci.berkeley.edu/article/howscienceworks_01 The bible is not facts and explains everything in superstitious overtones none of it is fact. Please drop the subject until you can make an informed comment. |
Make me. :D
This is spamming forum. there's nothing off topic here. I'm going to stop simply cuz it's not worth it. and I understand this perfectly. I just don't know how to explain something like this to you guys. you're the one who doesn't understand it. which is why you run away from it. put simply. |
YEA i must agree with skinny this is a spam forum!!! Besides America was based on people from all over the world who wanted to have RELIGIOUS FREEDOMS!!!!! The wanted to worship God all they wanted without there government telling them what to worship and where!!!!! So that proves that without God and the Bible America (the LAND OF RELIGIOUS FREEDOMS!!!!!) would not be the way it is today without those servants of God from the beginning.
This thread was never meant for a serious debate about anything, and converting it into one is not the correct thing to do. People were having fun and now they are not, the forum is spam and testing but you could have created a thread to discuss the religious issues for good or bad as it would be.
The 2 of you are obviously young and will eventualy learn when it is taken just a bit too far or when it just isnt apropriate to discuss. |
anyway. DOTS FOR SALE!!!! .................................................. .................,....... |
oh were is my god DD today lol
respect for willy:.................. 10.................. 9 ...........................8 .................7...............6 .......5.............4..........3.........2....... 1.......0........... oh and it just went RIGHt out the ding dang window. sorry willy.
lol good one skinny
Good one!!
Lmao, Steve.. your much better at arguing a point than I am xD
Not really. you're more mature.
Steve just says it's BS and forgets about it without even thinking..... |
Ill create a thread for religious notes skinny so you and i can do religious things on there without putting a load on jet.
ok you guys who want to talk about religious things go to this thread i made!!!
http://www.novahq.net/forum/showthread.php?t=43531 |
good one william!!!!!
Im surprised someone hasn't attempted to close this thread for the religion flaming ;P
Not flaming..........
and here i was thinking this thread drop dead in its tracks and you had to kick him but good to wake him back to life again lmfao
you're welcome.
its true scott closed it for the flaming problem. sorry guys. :( :( :( :(
lol, thats a lot
yeah its true about steve though
i know that jet thats why i said that too not put too much of a load on you anymore.
he knows that. he just wanted to steal your last post. :D
As im stealing Skinny Killers!
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