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Scott 11-17-2008 04:11 PM

Fallout 3
I finally got to give Fallout 3 an honest shot and so far, I like it which is odd because it's not really my style of game. I've just got to the part where I am entering the radio station to find more info about my pops.

I had to replay the beginning a few times because I couldn't figure out how to equip my weapons so the guards always killed me... The same thing also happened in Oblivion… I was playing without signing into my profile too so I had to start all the way back from the beginning.

After that I ended up in Megaton and managed to find the guy that had info on my father. After talking to him he wouldn’t give me any info without giving him 300caps, so I killed him just to see what would happen. That was a bad idea because the whole town turned on me. DO NOT enter the weapons shop when they are pissed at you. There is this robot in there that shoots this green laser and it’s an instant kill. I actually got glitches in there because right after he killed me I’d respawn right back in front of him and before I could exit he kill me again. After about 20 tries I finally made it out just to get shot running down the steps… This continued for about 20 minutes.

I really like the VATS system although I’m not really sure how it all works yet. Sometimes I can use it and sometimes I can't.. does it have to recharge or something? The graphics are pretty good for a bland game and the movement is smoother than I expected. There seems to be a lot of things to explore and I am a sucker for loot. I just wish I could carry more!

Spazz 11-17-2008 04:48 PM

I'll pick it up eventually. It's pretty buggy and has been giving a lot of people red rings, which is stopping me from getting it.

zza1pqx 11-17-2008 05:49 PM

There are a few bugs in fallout but there is no reason why the game would give red rings. Its coincedence Spazz, get it bought.

I got in the same fight with the same guy over the same thing Scott. I got out alive (largely because I slaughtered the entire town), and consequently decided to detonate the nuke rather than disarming it to serve them all right for being miserable buggers.

One hot tip.
Abandon the search for your dad and wander the wasteland instead.
If you take that particular quest to it's conclusion ( I won't spoil why ) the game simply ends and you cannot continue like you could in oblivion.

Search the wateland, find them hot weapons, level up to 20, gain your Gamerpoints and then finish the game after.
That's what I am doing this second time around and it's much more satisfying.
If I find someone I don't like I can just remember them and maybe do that quest later, You won't neccessarily find all the juicy quests going along the basic storyline.

Your AP is to the right and looks like your HP on the left.
HP = Health Points AP = Action Points.

Dependent on your weapon and your skills with that type of weapon and the part you're aming at (head costs more than leg), you get so many shots in VATS before you need to leave it a few seconds to recharge.

You can cue up shots if you have enough skill too. So For instance you could shoot a raiders gun out of their hand, pop a radroach sat next to him and then have a shot at the raiders head all in one VATS session using the the right and left sticks, trigger and A button to confirm.

I use that trick to clear up lots of roaches. I can take four out with a pistol in one VATS
There are perks to increase your VATS points and one of the S.P.E.C.I.A.L skills will improve your VATS everytime you level it up (I go for strength and intelligence when I'm leveling them so I couldn't tell you exactly which one controls VATS, I'm guessing Perception)
Levelling up Big Guns, Energy Weapons, or anything else to do with combat will improve your VATS.
By level twenty you won't actually need them though.
POP POP goes the Super Mutants head from mid range with a shotgun in free mode at L20.

Unless you spent your skill points on sneak and barter and lock pick.

There is a carry more perk later in the levels and you can choose to add a single S.P.E.C.I.A.L perk each level up.
Use Strength if you a serious looter (and who isn't?)

One grip I have at the moment is that the economy seems stagnant in-game.
If you clear out one dudes cash supply it doesn't seem to replenish particularly. It's as if it's only you spending cold hard cash.
Bit of a ball ache when you've got two grands worth of ammo and weapons you want to offload.

Second play through, still loving it. Not as good as Oblivion though IMO

teej 11-17-2008 07:31 PM

I have not played it but what I hear is that it is Oblivion but with guns. So I am very anxious to play it but atm, I am trying to get a laptop so that comes first.

A friend of mine gave me fable 2 and so far its not bad. I have not played much of it yet but I am liking it so far.

Scott 11-17-2008 09:00 PM


Originally posted by Spazz
I'll pick it up eventually. It's pretty buggy and has been giving a lot of people red rings, which is stopping me from getting it.
Don't you have a ps3 too?


Originally posted by zza1pqx
One hot tip.
Abandon the search for your dad and wander the wasteland instead.
If you take that particular quest to it's conclusion ( I won't spoil why ) the game simply ends and you cannot continue like you could in oblivion.

My problem is that I don't know where to buy ammo or anything yet and all I’ve done is explore and try to figure out the map to no avail... I'm just wandering around aimlessly is seems trying to find my way to the science building. I've not found any cities other then megaton and I don't think I’ll be welcomed back there so where do I get new weapons or ammo? I have a crap ton of caps but I'm running low on health and ammo and I keep running into baddies which is not helping my case. I cannot defeat them with my bat :(... I've also become addicted to wisky so I need to either find some or a doctor :trink:

zza1pqx 11-18-2008 12:35 AM

Just so you know - you can change the game difficulty even in the middle of a battle. If stuff gets too silly (AKA Megaton escape) you can bob it on easy until you've done and then stick back up after.

I find your best bet to go exploring is to set a marker and head there slowly. The Triangles on your compass are locations. Outlines means somewhere of interest you haven't been to yet. Filled triangles - places you have been.

You do get used to exploring.
For instance you can soon tell if a group or Raiders are together guarding an ammo hoarde or not. Don't forget if you engage and think you can't do it - run away and come back later. Drink that radioactive water. Spend all your money on stimpacks and damn well do go in with your fists. As long as you press B and fill up on stimpacks (which you can do mid-fight) your stick or fists will work eventually.

One thing I like about Fallout over Oblivion is that there doesn't seem to be a worldwide reaction to your level. In Oblivion, you found that as your level got higher the creatures in caves and dungeons and forests got bigger / more difficult to kill.
You don't got that in Fallout, which means that you will find there are areas that are no go areas until you are strong enough.
I don't recommend going to the top right of the map until you are at least level 10 with some good weapons ;)
Conversely you will find some missions latterly in the game which you could have done at level 3 which makes you look like a Super Mutant Brute as you bat your way through anyone that gets in your way without thinking.
Much better system but, Yeah.
Makes exploring more scary.
I met a super mutant with a rocket launcher whilst I was armed with a pistol and 20 rounds at the start of the game last time. Just ran like billy and never went back.

Bustin 11-18-2008 05:58 AM

I disliked the levelled creatures in Oblivion, It always left you without that feeling of hey I just kicked your face in after training for a week.

It's good to have boundaries of strong creatures or better skilled enemies, and then being able to come back later and just simply walk all over them.

peregrine falcon 11-18-2008 08:24 AM

I think its cool you can make weapons out of the junk you pick up, oh yeah and those radroaches are tasty

Scott 11-18-2008 09:25 AM

I've found a few cities now that I’ve strayed from the main quest... Now I’m running out of money to buy new things but at least I’ve got no radiation and I’m not addicted to anything :D... I ran into 3 of those super dudes with mini guns right after I was all healed... I'm just getting used to the combat system, it's almost better to run right up to the sob and blast em in the head with a shotgun then try and stay back and hit em with the hunting rifle. My aim is nothing compared to there’s yet. I’ve just always aimed for the head or the weapon which seems to work well for me 90% of the time.

So far I’m pretty happy I got this game… I really had low expectations because I was not a fan of oblivion..

Scott 11-25-2008 12:33 AM

After putting in 32 hours so far, this has moved up to one of my all time favorite games. I simply cannot believe the content in this game and how vast the "capital wasteland" is. It's ginormious. Roaming around and looting is awesome because every single place is new. I’ve got my house packed full of tons of armor and weapons and I keep finding new stuff to add to my collection.

There are only two things I don't like about this game: The map system (What happened to a mini map? Fable 2 lacked this also…) and melee combat, which does not matter to me anyways because VATS kicks ass.

I’m estimate at least another 20 hours in this game before I have all the quests and achievements completed… I’m so happy when I find a good game that isn’t over in 12 hours...

atholon 11-25-2008 09:31 AM

Might get it :)

-Tigger- 11-25-2008 12:19 PM

got it for the 360, got fed up with the opening chapter where its that stupid kids b'day party... turned it off halfway thru the party...

mite give it another shot on my days off..

Scott 11-25-2008 01:41 PM

Thats about as far as I made it in Oblivion. It's pretty dry until you leave the vault. That comes shortly after your party, about 15 or so minutes of playing.

zza1pqx 11-25-2008 03:06 PM

Most games have a dull - learn how to play the game section - The birthday party introduces the pip Boy - after that it's weapons training - then it's skill advancement.

Give it a chance BB, you're only just 10 years old...

zza1pqx 11-25-2008 03:08 PM

In response to Scott. I like this game but I'm almost done on second run through and I'm getting 50 hours a run.
I was getting 150 plus in Oblivion. Still prefer that game to this.
Same engine as far as I can tell too.

atholon 11-25-2008 03:11 PM

Did you guys play the PC version?

zza1pqx 11-25-2008 05:47 PM

No. Haven't used a PC for games (except minesweeper and spider solitaire) since 360 came out.

atholon 11-25-2008 05:51 PM

Eh, I watched some of the game play and it doesn't look worth it.

Scott 11-25-2008 07:00 PM

Oblivion or Fallout?

atholon 11-25-2008 11:53 PM

Fallout, I looked at the ending...seems pretty lame to me.

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