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dave61 08-02-2009 06:59 PM

I hate it when someone says "Wakey, wakey, don't be playing with snakey" !!!!

skinny killer 08-02-2009 08:52 PM

LOL, it depends on what snake you're playing with. I've tangle with some black snakes and a king snake (NOTE:NOT A KING COBRA A KING SNAKE). The king snake bit me tho. didn't bother me any, they are non venomous which I knew when I was holding him. it's still best to wash the bite area out with peroxide or something. there's no telling what they'd had their mouth on LOL.

Saved a black snake once, found him on my road and was looking at him and my neighbor showed up and was trying to run over him. so I picked him up and got him off the road. that was a pretty mellow snake, he didn't want to fight, he simply let me move him. he was about 5 and a half to 6 feet long.

I'm not worried about black snakes, they are good for killing rats and stuff and they have mild venom, it'll give you a stomach ache and that's about it. I like their personality too.

ShArP 08-03-2009 09:39 AM

who is that guy with all the numbers in their name? i went to that post in the General section and i got an authentication pop up saying to enter my name and password so i just exited the whole browser and start again, it was only in the post with the 20 mugshots

4633511075267 that guy


Originally Posted by Sam (Post 348944)
you have kids sharp???? WO


atholon 08-03-2009 09:55 AM


skinny killer 08-03-2009 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by ShArP (Post 348970)
who is that guy with all the numbers in their name? i went to that post in the General section and i got an authentication pop up saying to enter my name and password so i just exited the whole browser and start again, it was only in the post with the 20 mugshots

4633511075267 that guy


Yes it happened to me too. someone needs to do something

there's another spammer in the comments section that started a "Hot webcam videos" thread.

some one needs to get rid of those jerks.


Sam 08-03-2009 05:09 PM

well i am looking to see if anyone can tell me what kind of good fps sp games (other than nova games please!!) that there are. (i need games that are not online but merily a demo please no torrents, sorry no zombies little siblings around :*( )

Sam 08-03-2009 05:17 PM

someone got rid of my funny pic of a cat awww :*(

atholon 08-03-2009 06:28 PM


Sam 08-03-2009 06:45 PM

well i guess it might have been one of da admins. cause steve gave me a warning about large sig's if that was any of da admins i just wanted to say im sorry for putting that there, i thought it was a funny joke, i didnt mean anything mean or weird by it. :*(

.Simon. 08-03-2009 07:14 PM

They probably just took it out because it was annoying and took up half the page lol

Sam 08-03-2009 07:25 PM

oh well

ShArP 08-04-2009 10:02 AM


Chrispy 08-04-2009 03:35 PM

Go away.

skinny killer 08-04-2009 05:02 PM

Nice to see Dave join the last post thread! You'll never beat me dave!!!!! :D :D :D

Sam 08-04-2009 05:25 PM

whose dave skinny??

Hellfighter 08-04-2009 05:31 PM


ShArP 08-04-2009 05:51 PM


skinny killer 08-04-2009 06:40 PM


my best bud. :)

We're a couple of DFX/DFX2 mapping budies. ;)

Sam 08-04-2009 06:56 PM


ShArP 08-05-2009 09:21 AM


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