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Hellfighter 07-17-2009 02:08 AM

what country's have nuke them selves like crazy?
*Russians (world largest training area for their army train in)
*USA (tested on live army personnel in the field when they set off the nuclear bomb)

so nuking the USA is no big deal we already did it! 1940s-1960s
i think we love it and like more please!

Scott rules all and can wins big time, all so he has the power to close the site down totally
so who rules over all Scott the man who wins big time

skinny killer 07-17-2009 08:02 AM

I can shut down every site in the world with my nuke. :D

ShArP 07-17-2009 09:07 AM


skinny killer 07-17-2009 09:57 AM


RedrumSalad 07-17-2009 04:38 PM


gots mah piggeh!

ShArP 07-17-2009 04:51 PM


Sam 07-17-2009 05:18 PM


skinny killer 07-17-2009 06:10 PM


Sam 07-17-2009 06:15 PM


RedrumSalad 07-17-2009 10:40 PM


Chrispy 07-18-2009 12:58 AM


Hellfighter 07-18-2009 02:05 AM


RedrumSalad 07-18-2009 08:13 AM


skinny killer 07-18-2009 08:31 AM

(0 0)

Gots mah bunny :D

RedrumSalad 07-18-2009 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by skinny killer (Post 347847)
(0 0)

Gots mah bunny :D

mah piggeh
mah piggeh gots a body guard with guns to kill ur bunny!!

Sam 07-18-2009 06:59 PM


Chrispy 07-18-2009 07:50 PM


Sam 07-18-2009 07:52 PM

:lolsign: :lolsign:

skinny killer 07-18-2009 09:53 PM

meh bunny has a T-Rex body guard that will eat your piggy......... add dang it rexy!! what the hell did I tell you about eating the bunnies!!

you already ate bugs bunny and the energizer bunny. *sight*, I wonder if peter cotton tail has a job.

Chrispy 07-18-2009 11:07 PM


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