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Sam 06-23-2009 06:39 PM

Skinny your 11!!!!!!

Hellfighter 06-24-2009 12:11 AM


Originally Posted by bf2multi100 (Post 346454)
yeah God dosen't hide from anyone he is a supernatural (someone that's invisible) being He's real so don't judge Him He knows your heart!!!

i been annn baaaaadddd boyyyy! i'm beeeeeennnn realllllllyyyy aaaa baaaaad boy!
hey Chrispy

Sam 06-24-2009 10:09 AM

If you want to meet God face to face in haven one day William keep reading.
William you need to pray this to God. (don't worry just close your eye's and lift your hands above your head while bowing your head) don't say this fast but do it slow "Lord God I Know ive done some things that you don't like would you please forgive me and come into my life and change me forever." Once you say that william you'r life will be changed forever. Imagine once you say that You will be able to meet God in heaven one day. Post me a reply once you do this. If you don't want to do this you don't have to reply. The same goes for anyone that is looking at this. Im not trying to take a spot in the post, but im trying to save You'r lives from eternaly burning in hell FOREVER imagine being tormented and burning in hell FOREVER!!!! Now you don't want that do you????

skinny killer 06-24-2009 10:57 AM

He's there. heck you don't even have to close your eyes.

alot of people think you have to talk to him in some special way. but NO. he wants you to talk to him as if you would anyonw else.

you could talk with him speeding down the road. or playing some action game. he doesn't care.

He is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIGHT. he wants to be loved by you by choice.

that's the reason he planed for Eve and addam to eat off the tree of knowlege. Before, Eve and addam only knew good. when they ate off the tree they gained the knowlege of evil.

so think about it. if they only knew good then how could they love anything else rather then GOD. and that's not what God wanted. He didn't want people tp love him cuz they were born to love him. he wanted us to love him cuz we chose too. otherwise it would be like you telling you computer to love you. it's not true love unless the creation loves you becuase they chose too.

and the one and only way to choose is not by doing right things all the time. you can do all kinds of wrong stuff but God will always forgive. you don't have to be a Ned flanders like alot of people think.

just tell God one thing, Save me, I want to be with you.

alot of people think that God made a mistake when they ate off the tree when he told them not to. but it was just part of his plan.

It's not all about getting into some place called heaven so you can live forever. that would be just plain selfish. it's about spending eternity with someone that great.

'Nuff said.

skinny killer 06-24-2009 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by bf2multi100 (Post 346462)
If you want to meet God face to face in haven one day William keep reading.
William you need to pray this to God. (don't worry just close your eye's and lift your hands above your head while bowing your head) don't say this fast but do it slow "Lord God I Know ive done some things that you don't like would you please forgive me and come into my life and change me forever." Once you say that william you'r life will be changed forever. Imagine once you say that You will be able to meet God in heaven one day. Post me a reply once you do this. If you don't want to do this you don't have to reply. The same goes for anyone that is looking at this. Im not trying to take a spot in the post, but im trying to save You'r lives from eternaly burning in hell FOREVER imagine being tormented and burning in hell FOREVER!!!! Now you don't want that do you????

Well you won't burn in Hell. you're sole will. if you don't give your sole to God then saten will claim it for is own.

Alot of people say that if you don't love God he will send you to hell.

that is NOT true. God does no such thing. you're on your way to be claimed by satan from the start. God is simply offering you a way out. as simple as that.

it's up to you weather you except his invitation. ;)

Nice post BF2multi. :)

Sam 06-24-2009 04:04 PM

Amen skinny!!!!

Sam 06-24-2009 04:05 PM

that's true skinny from the time we were still in our mom's womb the devil got our heart because of adam and eve at the beginning of time.

ShArP 06-24-2009 04:24 PM


Sam 06-24-2009 05:36 PM

Thankyou Skinny for the sole part i forgot that when we die we leave our bodies behind and our sole lives forever in either hell or Heaven Its your choice.

Hellfighter 06-24-2009 06:46 PM

will its more like 98% you stand at the pearly gates and you can't think up a good reason why you can get into heaven and saint peter say will time up cya

a trap door open up under you and you are gone.

you still can't say a thing and fall to hell

then there that 2% chance you yell for your mother or wife name out loud and they say; wish i could help you bye bye

Xx_jet_xX 06-24-2009 07:00 PM

Xx_jet_xX 06-24-2009 07:00 PM

Sam 06-24-2009 07:01 PM

that was quick

Sam 06-24-2009 07:02 PM

thats not funny william I don't mean too make you mad but that was not a funny thing. skinny and i are being serious.

skinny killer 06-24-2009 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by William (Post 346485)
will its more like 98% you stand at the pearly gates and you can't think up a good reason why you can get into heaven and saint peter say will time up cya

a trap door open up under you and you are gone.

you still can't say a thing and fall to hell

then there that 2% chance you yell for your mother or wife name out loud and they say; wish i could help you bye bye

A very good example of how wrong people get it.

Sad, very sad.

Steve 06-24-2009 07:19 PM

Sam 06-24-2009 07:32 PM

i don't think thats a very good story william made up.

skinny killer 06-24-2009 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by Steve (Post 346495)

haha. I think his mind is made.

Good luck wif dat. :D

.Simon. 06-24-2009 08:59 PM

I like to think im quite open minded when it comes to god and religion, but i could never dedicate my life to a god with no proof to myself that he is there and watching.

skinny killer 06-24-2009 10:10 PM

Well he can't proove it untill you come to him.

And you don't really dedicate your life to it. I have no idea why everyone thinks such silly things. you do not have to change your lifestyle at all. sure you'll become a better person in some ways but it's not like you'll be giving up anything.

if anything you'll be gaining a better understanding of things.

He's just waiting on you simon.

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