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Chrispy 11-20-2008 12:28 PM


atholon 11-20-2008 02:22 PM


ShArP 11-20-2008 06:39 PM


Chrispy 11-20-2008 10:50 PM

Don't poke the fingers you horrible man who has no respect. :p

atholon 11-21-2008 12:13 AM


ShArP 11-21-2008 01:55 PM


Chrispy 11-21-2008 04:39 PM

Oh, now you're pulling the confused sign! It's a sign of denial!!! :D

peregrine falcon 11-21-2008 05:14 PM

Since when did this become about geography?

atholon 11-21-2008 06:02 PM

Denial is a classical defense mechanism so bumb off.

Chrispy 11-21-2008 08:54 PM

I'll beat you in this thread ath, always. I will win, and you will weep.

ShArP 11-21-2008 09:34 PM


Hellfighter 11-21-2008 10:13 PM

yea i seen all of chrispy video upload to, some of them are really great from funny side of life to porn all great to watch

all one have to do is go to and search for "Chrispy" you see what i mean

atholon 11-21-2008 11:22 PM

Errr no

ShArP 11-22-2008 09:07 AM


Chrispy 11-22-2008 01:06 PM

You killed the moment, Chief. ;)

atholon 11-22-2008 02:19 PM

I am going to its funeral, do you want to come chris? THere will be hot girls there.

Hellfighter 11-22-2008 02:40 PM

i come with my camcorder to record all the action! for the hot scene of the real life action bad or good! i record it and upload all the details to

can't wait to see chrispy get bi*ch slap or 20+ women gang bang him to death! j/k

will i may get better reaction if it was spazz! it get more hits from people seeing it would be a lot better action in it still from the man who spanking them all real good fashion action movie, knowing spazz it be rated XXX

due to:
blood, gory blood sucking body being torn apart, over kill on the orgies turning into a blood bath. will we know spazz he do it up right first time around

atholon 11-22-2008 03:13 PM

At a funeral? :P

Chrispy 11-22-2008 03:25 PM

RIP Moment
Killed by Chief


I'm comin' to the funeral. Request permission to eat all the cake? :D

atholon 11-22-2008 03:35 PM

Ok, but I get the funeral patatoes.

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