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Reticle 07-04-2004 01:14 PM

Gun Control
This might seem like a stupid question for a war gaming forum, but what do y'all think of gun control? Personally, I think it's counter productive and can never help anything(explanation below), but it may be different in other places.


Okay, currently in America, anyone with a valid ID and a clean record can go to a store and buy pretty much any kind of gun. Most potential criminals can also do this, although a lot of them get their guns on the streets. In the current state, a lot of law abiding citizens own guns. This serves as both a deterrent and protection against armed criminals.

Now, suppose we outlaw the sale of guns. Well, now the average Joe doesn't have a gun any more, but neither do the criminals, right? Wrong. Obviously, the authorities arent going to be able to confiscate all the guns in all the stores (they cant legally do this without compensating all the owners, and that would be a lot more than they could afford). So we end up with even more guns on the streets than normal, and that's where most criminals get them, so we now have more criminals with guns, and less law abiding citizens. See a problem?

the þrox™ 07-04-2004 01:31 PM

Totally agree, how the hell are we supposed to protect ourselves agaisant robbers, theifs, convicts. And what would happen to the military would they get weapons? This means we fight with our hands while a 1000 iraqis are running towards us screaming words we cant even understand, shooting at us. What would happen to hunters? This means no more food, how are we supposed to get turkey meat, chase the turkeys and stab it? How do we get viniceen from the deer? Can anyone chase down a deer, as long as i have been a hunter, there is no way in hell unless you run it over. So when someone steps on your property and wants to rob you what do you do because you cant go grab your old shotgun because it has been confiscated. I VOTE HELL NO.

Reticle 07-04-2004 01:33 PM


Originally posted by Convict
Totally agree, how the hell are we supposed to protect ourselves agaisant ... convicts.
lol, look who's talking about convicts.

the þrox™ 07-04-2004 01:39 PM

Also how do we kill those dam racoons in our backyard that are attacking our dogs? how do we kill those rattlesnakes?

I served my time, learned my lesson, im a friendly guy.

Reticle 07-04-2004 01:42 PM

Yeah, I have a friend who's dad has racoons in his back yard. Apparently, his plan is to trap the raccoons and then shoot them with his AK. I'm not sure where the fun is in that. I wouldn't mind hunting down and shooting some untrapped raccoons, though.

D STROYER 07-04-2004 02:19 PM

i voted yes by accident :|:confused:

but people would take advantage of being allowed to use a gun, even though most would only use for protection....

zza1pqx 07-04-2004 02:24 PM

Im glad I am British.

Systemkaos 07-04-2004 03:02 PM


Originally posted by Convict
Totally agree, how the hell are we supposed to protect ourselves agaisant robbers, theifs, convicts.
killer flying turtles

SilentTrigger 07-04-2004 03:38 PM


Originally posted by Convict
Totally agree, how the hell are we supposed to protect ourselves agaisant robbers, theifs, convicts. And what would happen to the military would they get weapons? This means we fight with our hands while a 1000 iraqis are running towards us screaming words we cant even understand, shooting at us. What would happen to hunters? This means no more food, how are we supposed to get turkey meat, chase the turkeys and stab it? How do we get viniceen from the deer? Can anyone chase down a deer, as long as i have been a hunter, there is no way in hell unless you run it over. So when someone steps on your property and wants to rob you what do you do because you cant go grab your old shotgun because it has been confiscated. I VOTE HELL NO.
Outlaw guns & gun control, the same thing? Not that i know.

Eh, whats up doc?

Can i ask what this has to do with the military and hunters? Gun control is not the same as banning guns, its controling who are allowed to or not allowed to own a gun.

Get a gun license and everyting is fixed, whats so hard to understand?

Well besides if he actually ment banning weapons with the words "gun control" :rolleyes:

Sorry for that rant but we have gun control in the country i live in and there is no ban on guns, its just harder to get one. As a hunter you would need a hunter license and then get a gun license. We have military personell with AKs in their houses, they have a license! And of course they are controled every now and then for safty.

I dont see what the problem is?

the þrox™ 07-04-2004 04:55 PM

i agree with what you are saying MFA, as long we the public are allowed weapons even if we must have a license. But anyone can get a license, im sure even some criminals can( i can) so whats the point in having a license, there is no real reason other then to prevent underaged kids of running around shooting people, and preventing those to dumb to know how to get a license. I really think there is nothing anyone can do to take guns, ban guns, limit guns, control guns, because there is always a way around it, and there always will be.

*I dont mean to offend anyone by what i have said.

Reticle 07-04-2004 04:57 PM

Also, w/ licenses, you have to worry about the government charging huge quantities of money for the licenses.

-Tigger- 07-04-2004 05:33 PM


Originally posted by zza1pqx
Im glad I am British.

Systemkaos 07-04-2004 05:37 PM

im glad i live in the UK

SilentTrigger 07-04-2004 05:46 PM


Originally posted by Convict
i agree with what you are saying MFA, as long we the public are allowed weapons even if we must have a license. But anyone can get a license, im sure even some criminals can( i can) so whats the point in having a license, there is no real reason other then to prevent underaged kids of running around shooting people, and preventing those to dumb to know how to get a license. I really think there is nothing anyone can do to take guns, ban guns, limit guns, control guns, because there is always a way around it, and there always will be.

*I dont mean to offend anyone by what i have said.

Maybe you should get a new gun, its not shooting very far ;) Just kidding ;)

I think theres a difference between licenses here and in USA, its rather hard to get a license here.

Hellfighter 07-04-2004 07:00 PM

yes only 5yrs-16yrs may own a gun and a rifle, why? the adult been using them like crazy killing everything off from kids to animals and even their own family off to boot, but not to many times you hear a 5yrs or a 15yrs shooting some one, yes it do happen but the good part not has many times as adults have done it. so i say the adult have shown their true color see how they did really poorly handling guns/rifles.

Systemkaos 07-04-2004 07:41 PM

yes chief give all the kids as many guns they need lol

Lakie 07-04-2004 08:28 PM

Yes but can you justify the 15,000 or so (cant remeber the exact figure) gun deaths in america comapred to the 50 or so in Australia?

Australia has gun control, and rules differes from state to state but there all fundamentally the same. Farmers can get a gun, hunters can get guns, sport shooters can get guns...

Here you evenb need a license to own a paintball marker, but if you are a reasonable, sensible human being you can get them.

And realistically, whos going to be able to get to and attack the USA? And if someone did attack the USA, you really think that theyd send in ground troops before wiping out a good chunk with missiles and god forbid... nukes?

Anyone else find it ironic that australia has the best shooters in the world??

Reticle 07-04-2004 09:35 PM

Yea, but it's easier for Australia. You have a smaller and (lucky for you) more civil population. Here gun control simply wouldn't work.

Hellfighter 07-04-2004 09:59 PM

will maybe let monkeys only owne a gun/rifle only joking guy's.

but in all it is really sad how it been in the pass history so many jerk using them in crime's

Systemkaos 07-04-2004 10:07 PM

lol wow can you imagin killer monkeys with guns

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