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Bloodbath (CUB) 04-09-2008 10:52 AM

Unfair punting!!!
I have been punted twice this week for no aparent reason at all! One server thought I was hacking cause I was using the M60 and another just punted me a few seconds after I joined!
Does this happen to you???.....

IcIshoot 04-09-2008 11:26 AM

the one just after a few seconds sounds like a bhd server running a ts map - it just happens automatically

the other sounds like an immature host...

in my 5 years of playing I have only been punted once for no reason... but then I typically only play in servers that I know, or who have proven they are run by mature adults :D

Hellfighter 04-09-2008 12:55 PM

some servers host hate people leaning and use of M60/ M249 saw in their servers.

and there is knifer and sniper servers were the only weapon to use, come in with a M60 they punt you out real fast.

most host let you use all weapon type in the game server they are hosting for, but kiddy host don't know how to host in a nice manner and punt or ban off the back without a warning saying why they really don't care.

ask around for a good squad host server or one who know how tobe a good hosting a game, more fun then getting burn by a bad host in a server. word of mouth is so much better ask around

think there is a anti-cheat tool ACP i think for DFBHD & DFBHD-TS as will, if there a server using it then all the players must have it as will enable to join in the server. must of the time it have ACP listed in the server name like Hellcats =ETU= "ACP" for sample. but then again some don't have the Id to add-in the "ACP" into the Server name so it tickoff players trying to join in, making them think something is bad about their Install game then.

Bloodbath (CUB) 04-09-2008 04:13 PM

I dont see whats wrong with the M60/249/saw. Its their fault anyway for not using it! If they want to do well then why dont they choose the good weapons in the armory!

Hellfighter 04-09-2008 05:05 PM

its the fire power thats all.

some people can't handle to be blow away with them high power weapons.

really up to the host who is running the server.

some host ether wide open on the weapons or limited the weapons type

i snipe in DFBHD stats server couple of times at 980m-1100m i was call a cheat! it was like ever three shots i got a headshot 6x in a roll people started to cry Wolf on me. they can't help if they don't know what to look for in the scope aiming at other to get them head-shots.

1.) map is clear type
2.) Night time map better
3.) looking hard to pick the right spot in the scope to aim at. (light color pink spots) the cross hair on them hit 3-shots baam kill

Bloodbath (CUB) 04-09-2008 05:12 PM

well i think all weapons should be allowed!

I dont like frag grenades though - as soon as you respawn one lands right next to you!!! Flash bangs just rubbish, no point in using them and same with smoke grenades!

and I prefer having an M60 instead of going around being a medic with a car15, but i dont mind fastkill can be fun...

also people complain about prefire. People use M60s for prefire a lot of the time. I was recnetly given a warning about prefiring and almst punted but what's so bad about prefiring???

ShArP 04-09-2008 05:32 PM

hey, feel free to come into my squads server sometime if you have BHD: team sabre, we only punt if we have prof that you are cheating

!!!10th SOG

:D :D :D

Bloodbath (CUB) 04-09-2008 05:35 PM


Originally posted by ShArP
hey, feel free to come into my squads server sometime if you have BHD: team sabre, we only punt if we have prof that you are cheating

kwl thx, dont have ts though. Is there any possible way of downloading it?

p.s Has anyone ever been punted for saying someone is hacking/cheating...

IcIshoot 04-09-2008 06:05 PM

Nope (I never accuse some one in game, even if they clearly are - I contact the admin via their website or a squad mate) - But I'll punt players to do accuse in game.

My server requests that you let admin know via msn, vent or xfire -

that way
A, the cheater doesn't know we are on to them - thus giving us time to gather the needed proof (which can take time), and insures that some cheaters don't stop. There have been dozens of times when I couldn't ban a cheater because all the accusation caused him to stop, thus not letting me get the proof - Because our admins won't ban a cheater with out solid proof.

B - if needed we can explain what is going on if the person isn't cheating - There have been several times when an accused person was really legit -

C. doesn't plant the suspicion into other players, in case the guy is legit.

and finally D - if the player is cheating, doesn't give him the saticfaction of knowing that he is tickng players off, which is why a lot of the cheaters cheat.

I don't know of any place you can legally download teamsabre - But you can get it for $20 from novalogic, probably cheaper if you check


Hellfighter 04-09-2008 06:17 PM

Delta Force: Black Hawk Down-Team Sabre is a mod one has to buy ether online or at a local store's

team Sabre is a mod made by Novalogic, Inc not like other mods when can get for free its a retail version add-on to DF:Black Hawk down PC Cdrom verson

one needs DFBHD game to Install Team Sabre Retail (MOD) price very 15.00-20.00 for this mod, counts were you buy it at.

always buy it new! unopen package. never buy it use or open package the keycode maybe not any good! if the user use the keycode and got banned totally then the game or Team Sabre mod be no good to use.

Matt 04-09-2008 09:48 PM

i used to get punted fairly frequently..i take it as a compliment

atholon 04-09-2008 11:19 PM

I got punted a lot because the hosts were noobs and thought I was cheating because I kicked trash :)

Chrispy 04-09-2008 11:26 PM

Never been accused of cheating or been punted due to the fact I was cheating - well, with the exception that I went into a DF1 server when I was 8 years old lol using the AK47 mod. Yeah, that got me outta there, lol. Hey, the AK wasn't even killing anyone!

Bloodbath (CUB) 04-10-2008 03:42 AM

leaning and flipping in the olympic hotel can also get you punted, even if your not meaning to hack.

ShArP 04-10-2008 08:54 AM

what do you mean by flipping?

Bloodbath (CUB) 04-10-2008 09:22 AM

F9 + 9
if you press f9 it brings up a list of emotions and actions

Mauser 98K 04-10-2008 01:28 PM

m60 is alright, i still kick their butt at 900m+ with my m24 thoe and out to 1200 with the .50.

i dont reallyhave a prob with the belt fed stuff, it should be up to the person to have the weapon they want in my opinion, i like to keep it as real as possable, limiting all the weapons to one or 2 doesnt make sense to me, for ya can get anything ya want for real.

in my opinion there is no restriction to what you can bring to the battle, for the idea is not for you to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his, and if you are causing heavy casulties on the other side then great job, thats the way to win

and as for the leaning, im like whats the big deal, aint they a good enough shot to hit some1 leaning? but most of these kids have been watching to much hollywood where the guy will jump out from behind cover and spray everything with lead, that is the quickest way to die.

that is why it is a good idea to learn to shoot with both hands, that way you can hug the wall and shoot around any corner and hit what you are aiming at.

but where most people make the mistake aganst the spray and pray croud, is they will if spoted, stay in the same place and try to killem b4 they get killed, i dont do that, if i am spoted o relocate to somewhere else and observe the area where i was, and then ill relocate again just to be shure, and most of the time some1 will be in the vicinity thinking they got me and ill kill them, never fight on equil terms and never givem the chance to generate casulties.

but the only times i usually get acused of cheating is when i go 4 or 5 maps and no1 ever sees me but im killing plenty, thy will jump up and down saying i have to have a cheat because they havnt seen me, invisability cheat or something, the only cheat im using is the mind cheat, i think and try to keep looking 3 steps ahead.

Bloodbath (CUB) 04-11-2008 07:29 AM

about leaning around corners...

some people when it is medic play in the olympic hotel use F4 and the camera move buttons to aactually see around the corner. They stick their gun through the wall and baamm they still get you lol.

Someone got punted for doing that yesturday while i was playing


Chrispy 04-11-2008 06:52 PM

In DF1 and DF2 you could go near a building and turn 3rd person on and actually see through the building without getting through it. Great tactic but I'm not sure if it would be classified as cheating. Never really done it before online, anyway.

Hell, you know the "Play Dead" trick in BHD? You can use that to trick ya enemies. I'm sure I've used it a few times, hehe.

Bloodbath (CUB) 04-11-2008 07:05 PM

:D sometimes i use the play dead trick too, but the difference is that...

an actual dead player doesn't carry his gun or die in that exact way. he only dies that way in sp!!! so its quite obvious when someone is playing dead

also i just randomly shoot at bodies to annoy them

he he

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