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Trojan 10-25-2005 05:26 PM


Terry 10-25-2005 06:19 PM

manchester united?

Mauser 98K 10-25-2005 08:18 PM

and mauser takes the gold

Erik 10-25-2005 09:13 PM


Trojan 10-25-2005 09:35 PM

Ft. Knockover

Mauser 98K 10-25-2005 10:16 PM

() I ()
() GOT ()
() TOO ()
() MUCH ()
() TIME ()
() ON ()
() MY ()
() HANDS ()

Trojan 10-25-2005 10:22 PM

Shoot a Rossi today!

Lucky 10-25-2005 10:45 PM

cream cheeze

Trojan 10-25-2005 11:02 PM

Smear the Queer! Football anyone?

Terry 10-26-2005 07:08 AM


-live-wire- 10-26-2005 07:13 AM


Mauser 98K 10-27-2005 11:13 PM

ill play but whos the queer? lol

-live-wire- 10-28-2005 08:53 AM

nothing but net...

Mauser 98K 10-28-2005 04:16 PM

inter net, fish net, basketball net, hair net,defence net,cammo net,
drag net. :D

DogSoldier~MLK~ 10-28-2005 04:27 PM

thats alot of nets :D

Mauser 98K 10-28-2005 04:29 PM


Mauser 98K 10-28-2005 04:31 PM

live ive been meaning to ask .
isnt that zombie in ya sig the 1 off the iron madien albums?
lol, i like it

DogSoldier~MLK~ 10-28-2005 06:02 PM


-live-wire- 10-28-2005 06:06 PM


Originally posted by Mauser 98K
live ive been meaning to ask .
isnt that zombie in ya sig the 1 off the iron madien albums?
lol, i like it

Yupp it's ol' rivethead himself..thanks for the compliment ace!

Terry 10-29-2005 03:38 PM

i am the wicker man!

Grenademan 10-30-2005 09:19 PM

no your not

-live-wire- 10-30-2005 10:41 PM

if I only had a brain....

Trojan 10-31-2005 08:26 AM

Ghost stories!

-live-wire- 10-31-2005 08:44 AM

And my head I'd be scratchin' while
my thoughts were busy hatchin'
If I only had a brain.

Terry 10-31-2005 10:44 AM

if only livewire had a brain!!!

Mauser 98K 10-31-2005 07:28 PM

grr, double post

Mauser 98K 10-31-2005 07:28 PM

lions, tigers ,and bears, oh my

Grenademan 10-31-2005 07:39 PM


Trojan 10-31-2005 07:58 PM


Terry 11-01-2005 12:37 PM

BOOM headshot!

Mauser 98K 11-01-2005 05:58 PM

who has a bandaid?

Terry 11-01-2005 07:33 PM

no bandaids but i have a giant envelope

-live-wire- 11-02-2005 09:40 AM

Grenademan 11-03-2005 08:35 PM

God I'm bored.

-live-wire- 11-03-2005 09:42 PM

Lucky 11-03-2005 10:00 PM


Grenademan 11-03-2005 10:16 PM

by the looks of your stat thing, you're the biggest noob I've seen! 1000 deaths and only 400 kills!? Lol not picking at you or anything, but damn

Lucky 11-03-2005 10:19 PM

i dont play much, hence the 27 hours.. lol.. i sucked when i first played and i really only play when im tired, but now im better.
plus, my lil bro plays it too, on MY account

Grenademan 11-03-2005 10:22 PM

ahhh now I understand! It all makes sense.

Man, if I could put my Killzone stats

Mauser 98K 11-04-2005 09:42 PM

ya aint wining that easily.

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