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01-25-2005 04:43 PM

new squad banner

c nc please appreciated

-Tigger- 01-25-2005 04:53 PM

looks pretty good, but dont like the symbol on the right... maybe like a soldier blended in somewhere on it?

.ringer. 01-25-2005 05:04 PM

looks good.

EDGE 01-25-2005 05:30 PM


Originally posted by BB
dont like the symbol on the right...
sorry, the symbol on the right is just a horrible image (in my opinion) to put in any type of graphic work. It's also too small to be a banner.

Scattergun 01-25-2005 05:33 PM

is it just me or can i NOT see it for some odd reason my internet wont show it...

Recon 01-25-2005 05:34 PM

woohoo go germany, #$## nazis! my language, nice banner

JS-AntiHero 01-25-2005 05:34 PM


Originally posted by E.D.G.E
sorry, the symbol on the right is just a horrible image (in my opinion) to put in any type of graphic work.
STRONGLY AGREED yet he is trying to show in call of duty (since he is a cod squad) that those are the allies aginst the nazi or germany. BUT STILL AGREE WITH YA EDGE ;)

JS-AntiHero 01-25-2005 05:37 PM


Originally posted by =70th=Scattergu
is it just me or can i NOT see it for some odd reason my internet wont show it...
(oh and PS: i ahve nothing agaisnt germany!! if anyone got confused wiht my post agreeing with EDGE)

Rider 01-26-2005 03:32 AM

kinda small for a banner

01-26-2005 07:11 AM

yeh i sed... "banner" its just alittle sig to go on the forums not a real site banner

and also i wanted to give that feeling of allies vs axis, not that im a neo nazi LOL, i was also thinking of putting in a soldier on the right, but i wanted to have the flags, to show that it wasnt just teh soldiers fighting the war, but also people in britain sending supplies out, people in russia making artillary and americans sending out tehir support, without those things we wouldnt have won the war. if i had just put soldiers in their it would look cramped, people also wouldnt know which was which if they didnt play cod anyway..

amen ;)

luckydice 01-26-2005 12:44 PM

As much thought as was put into it, it comes off very tasteless. I wouldn't put that swastika in your banner if I were you, even though its the game you play it's VERY offensive to some people, even if you had good intentions.

Good brush's and blending though. (on a gfx level is good work).

01-26-2005 12:47 PM

i dont understand how it can be offfensive, its not like im supporting them? u see swastikas in school books, movies, games, songs even but u cant have them in a banner about fighting them? doesnt ad up to me sorry

luckydice 01-26-2005 01:14 PM

Comparing historical books, and media that is meant for educational purposes to your squad website has no credibility. Please give me a break if you're going to try and argue that point of view. Do you realize how many innocent lives died for the cause that, that symbol symbolizes? You're either ignorant what that stood for, because if you had any idea you would think twice about putting that in your banner.

01-26-2005 03:09 PM

Honestly, i do know how many people died in the Second World War, but look at the movies which ARE NOT educational: Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers, Bridge over River Kwai to name a few, those are not educational purposes they are historical entertainment, which is exactly what our squad is about, entertainment. If we were neo-nazis, then u would ave a point, but as my banner contains a swastika opposing the Allies, i see no grounds for complaint.

Stu 01-26-2005 03:42 PM


atholon 01-26-2005 05:46 PM

Fine with me as long as it is just for the game. I think it is effective. But you need something more in the BG.

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