Memory Allocation Error
I am making my first map in the NILE program and am fairly new to JO. I have loaded my map into a server to host and look at it several times, but lately I have had no luck and get the error message: Memory Allocation Failed - Colormap. It tells me my mission is too large but I only have 429 objects in my map so not sure what is going on. I have tried changing terrains and that helped for a while but now and getting the same message again. Any help would be appreciated.
429 objects or is that a total amount of assets within the map?
do you have any AI bots in your map? if so, make sure you keep the count to around 200(this should also include players spawn points). also, if you do have bots, make sure you do not have too many different ones. i suggest no more than 10 different bots if you are going to have 150+. :headbang: |
Yes the map so far has only 429 objects placed into it including IAs, emplaced weapons, buildings, vehicles etc. I have 207 persons, one start and 6 spawn points in it so far but can certainly reduce that number if you think that will help. I have tried different terrains as some seem to work better than others, especially the flatter ones but am getting the message again even with the flatter ones. jabo1SFH thank you so much for your suggestions for me to try! I am working on a laptop as I don't have a desktop any more and wondered if that might be a hindrance. I have 16G of RAM.
you should be fine on the laptop as allocation errors are due to a mixture of issues within the map itself.
here is the best advice to give right now: make a backup copy of your map as it is right at this point, then slowly backtrack and remove items until the issue no longer persists in that copy. name the copy like mapnameA or something to that effect. another thing that can cause an allocation error is too many different items(such as buildings). copy and paste is a very good friend in making maps in joint ops as the allocation for the memory of a copied item increases slightly instead of adding a new item which will increase allocation usage. take a look at some of the maps i made in joint ops and you will see copy and paste hard at work in there, lol. here: :headbang: |
Thank you again for the wonderful suggestions. I have taken out many of the IAs that I had pasted in just as runners and am now able to host the map just to try it out. I have saved copies at different points in case I run into problems again and add too many items. I will definitely try copy and paste if that lets me put in more items. This is all new to me so any suggestions are greatly appreciated. At the rate I am going I may have a map ready in a year or two :fingersx: I have not even begun to use Nile's Little Helper.
i have 2 ic maps i need to finish. put them on hold due to creators block. :headbang: |
I would really like to find a good city terrain without grass to stick through the bottom of buildings. I can't find such a thing in the list. Just an idea for a future map should I ever finish this one. Is there anywhere which shows what the different terrains look like without having to go through the whole list and trying them, only to not find what you are looking for?
yes, tiles.
tiles will remove grass from the terrain. i am not sure how to locate them in nile, however. most mappers who make city maps use a flat terrain, or a terrain with a large flat area. in the mission editor we can click on the depth map which will show us black areas that would be the flat spots on the terrain. i do not remember if nile shows depth. :headbang: |
I have placed some tiles in a building and it worked to get rid of the grass.
:headbang: |
when you save the map use SAVE AND EXPORT W/STATS
IF THIS IS ("10023K - Approximate Vertex Data")is larger then 20000k you will ALWAYS GET AN ERROR. This means you have to many objects on map. you will need to remove some objects IE: non-drivable tanks fuel trucks to many trees too much fire etc... good luck majwiz |
:headbang: |
Thank you for your replies. It was working fine after I removed some of the AIs and now is not again, although I have no more objects or AIs than when it was working. Also when I go to test the map in the Novaworld game I now have several copies of the map in the missions list although I delete them every time when I leave. Not sure where I am going wrong but will keep trying to see if I can make something work right. I hate to give up but..............:sad5:
make sure to move any copies you were using to find your errors into a separate folder. you can create new folders in your jo directory. just call the folder "backups". even though i do not have nile, you can attach your .npj file to a reply here and i can convert it to a .mis file and take a look in the med, if you like. :headbang: |
I have tried to open the npj map in AWmed Editor but get the error error parsing mis file. Also I can't SAVE AND EXPORT W/STATS in the NILE program. That option only appears in the AWmed Editor program where I can't open the npj file.
yeah, npj files will not open in the med. you have to convert them to a .mis file using npj2mis converter.
:headbang: |
1 Attachment(s)
here is a list of .wac commands that can be used in the game:
:headbang: |
Super! Thank you for that file of commands.
:headbang: |
Memory Allocation Error
I am getting this error on certain maps on one computer but not the other computer . I even made a copy of my hard drive and placed it in another pc to see if it made a difference . And it did , map played and rotation to another map with no problem . Crazy thing that these maps will work on two computers but will not on two other computers . I have noticed that these maps are some that DID play fine but now give this error . There has got to be something in the folder in one pc's AW2 and not the other but I cannot find it. Any help would be appreciated . BTW I emphasize the fact these are mostly maps that did play fine but now ,give that error .
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