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dave61 01-02-2012 01:00 PM


A sunny 48F degrees here.

dave61 01-02-2012 06:26 PM

LOL (not), we got snow!

grenadier501 01-02-2012 09:01 PM

we got 32C down here.. I nned t-shirts and shorts with internal air conditioner lol..

Swifty Helen 01-03-2012 12:51 AM


39C,40C,42C,.......Today 35C,...Heat wave???

Guest001 01-03-2012 12:54 AM

5265 (don't forget your numbers people)

104F here

Guest001 01-03-2012 12:57 AM

125.6F in my shed

dave61 01-03-2012 05:52 AM


1 1/2 inches of snow on the ground.

High today of 31 degrees (F).

Swifty Helen 01-03-2012 10:56 PM


Guest001 01-04-2012 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by dave61 (Post 376167)

1 1/2 inches of snow on the ground.

High today of 31 degrees (F).

Truthfully what do you think is preferable Dave, you get both hot and cold we in the cities here only get mild winters compared to yours, I have to travel to the Mountains interstate in a narrow window to see snow.

dave61 01-04-2012 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by stompem (Post 376179)
Truthfully what do you think is preferable Dave, you get both hot and cold we in the cities here only get mild winters compared to yours, I have to travel to the Mountains interstate in a narrow window to see snow.

You like snow? I'll trade places with you and see how you like it.

The Cold and the Snow may be pretty when you don't have to deal with it just to go to work or go to the store.

Granted, there are days when the temp does get alittle above 50 degrees (F) , but not many.

Snow to you may be a luxury, to me it's a pain in the a$$.

Deal with this cold and snow all winter long and I bet you'll sing a different song.

Swifty Helen 01-05-2012 05:55 AM

Hot v Cold, which is the winner?
neither,Spring is so nice, so is Autumn!

dave61 01-05-2012 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by Swifty Helen (Post 376188)
Hot v Cold, which is the winner?
niether! Spring is nice,so is Autumn

Me too Helen !

I would love to have Spring/Fall weather all year long.

But, lately it seems that we've been going straight from Winter to Summer & Summer to Winter without a Spring or a Fall !

Global Warming ? Idk .....

skinny killer 01-05-2012 07:51 PM

it was 50 here Dave... ooorah, bright and sunny :D

Guest001 01-05-2012 08:21 PM

Cooler here now only about 95-100F

DevilDog#1 01-05-2012 09:21 PM

99,999 :d

Guest001 01-05-2012 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by DevilDog#1 (Post 376200)
99,999 :d

Close :)

SilentTrigger 01-06-2012 10:08 AM

On the same latitude as middle parts of Alaska but we still don't have any snow :(

Guest001 01-06-2012 01:22 PM

It's NOT global warming, it's a natural cyclic fluctuation.

dave61 01-06-2012 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by stompem (Post 376214)
It's NOT global warming, it's a natural cyclic fluctuation.

Lol, Al Gore would disagree.

dave61 01-07-2012 10:35 PM


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