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~Sgt.Squirmitz~ 10-15-2006 03:17 AM

Rip 'em to shreds dog damn it

~Sgt.Squirmitz~ 10-17-2006 08:35 AM

Kurds 'n' Turds from the 'burbs are absurd.

~Sgt.Squirmitz~ 10-20-2006 06:22 AM

~The Voice of Freedom~
I am a believer, and I firmly believe that people shouldn't be putting pickles inside, on top of, below, behind, or anywhere else near burgers. But this is a dogdamn democratic country, and I believe in the freedom of speech. So roll up your trousers, kick off your combat boots, raise your fists, flick your d***, and tell me what you think.

milk 10-21-2006 08:15 PM

Heif Mir!

~Sgt.Squirmitz~ 10-21-2006 09:16 PM

I am a believer, and I firmly believe that people shouldn't be putting pickles inside, on top of, below, behind, or anywhere else near burgers. But this is a dogdamn democratic country, and I believe in the freedom of speech. So roll up your trousers, kick off your combat boots, raise your fists, flick your d***, and tell me what you think.

^^Maybe I should make a poll out of this.

milk 10-22-2006 10:15 AM

perhaps so

Scott 10-22-2006 10:21 AM

~Sgt.Squirmitz~ 10-22-2006 10:37 AM

Shouldn't that be TOES!?

Well, last week, just last week, urrm... I was living in the Mexican border, and my name was Pedro, and I spoke Spanish, and I was a Catholic. Then I found myself in the midddle of some African country. I nearly died after getting stared at by a dead chicken. Now I'm a Voodooist. Then I was about to ask the Iranian president to marry me, but I kinda remembered that I wasn't a woman. Then I got ran over by an M1A2 Abrams and got differently abled, Then I kicked myself between the balls and changed my name to Petreautt.

That's just beautiful.
It really is.
You aren't.

milk 10-26-2006 07:28 PM


Originally posted by Scott

~Sgt.Squirmitz~ 10-27-2006 12:40 AM

You mean epilepsy?

~Sgt.Squirmitz~ 10-31-2006 10:29 PM


~Sgt.Squirmitz~ 11-11-2006 01:55 AM


Iv'e won this thread.

~Sgt.Squirmitz~ 11-11-2006 01:55 AM


I've won this thread.

~Sgt.Squirmitz~ 11-11-2006 11:29 AM

Look upon me privates and despair.

I've won.

milk 11-13-2006 02:14 PM

lats 1 2 post pwns!

~Sgt.Squirmitz~ 11-14-2006 08:36 AM


milk 11-24-2006 02:04 PM

ok then i will

--BulletMagnet-- 11-24-2006 03:59 PM

why will you do that if we have 32 banansassamisthemanofgreatformandallthegirlslikehi mandtheotherboysarejealousilovemydollar

~Sgt.Squirmitz~ 11-26-2006 03:52 AM

I'm losing my sexual prowness... Who the hell are you?!!

~Sgt.Squirmitz~ 11-26-2006 07:25 AM

The biscuits in the army are mighty fine.

The biscuits in the navy are just plain terrifying. They're hard and tacky and salty and have worms in 'em. Navy sea biscuits. Pugh.

Army biscuits. Hoo-ah!!!

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