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dave61 06-07-2010 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by Sen (Post 365594)
that was what I'd said in Japanese on my last post.

No problem at all , SEN ;) .

Babalfish doesn't translate Japanese to English very well .

Please ... in the future (if you can) post in English.

Here , you won't impress anyone by posting in Japanese. No insult intended ... and I really mean that !

Sen 06-07-2010 04:37 PM

Err, if you haven't noticed, I've been here only a few months shy of you, and I've been doing it on and off ever since.

So no offense, but I could care less about who I impress.
Whether I really meant "no offense" is for you to judge ;]

skinny killer 06-07-2010 07:01 PM

I want my sammich jet! I know where you live! I can send people to your house, BAD PEOPLE!


Xx_jet_xX 06-07-2010 09:57 PM

I ate it, mine was good so I couldnt help myself...

skinny killer 06-07-2010 10:10 PM

I'll never ever order from you again.....

dave61 06-08-2010 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by Sen (Post 365612)
Err, if you haven't noticed, I've been here only a few months shy of you, and I've been doing it on and off ever since.

So no offense, but I could care less about who I impress.
Whether I really meant "no offense" is for you to judge ;]

No judging here.

And I'm not offended at all.


RedrumSalad 06-08-2010 04:16 PM


dave61 06-08-2010 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by skinny killer (Post 365614)
I want my sammich jet! I know where you live! I can send people to your house, BAD PEOPLE!


Please fry my :spam: sammich in lot's of grease !!


ShArP 06-08-2010 06:00 PM


skinny killer 06-08-2010 07:20 PM

do yourself a favor guys. do NOT get sunburn!!!!

mine's blistering, and itching like hell.

dave61 06-08-2010 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by skinny killer (Post 365639)
do yourself a favor guys. do NOT get sunburn!!!!

mine's blistering, and itching like hell.

This may sound wierd ... but try bathing in Tea or placing a cloth wet with Tea on your sunburn.


skinny killer 06-08-2010 08:48 PM

Man it REALLY got bad. it was stinging and itching. felt like bugs crawling all over me biting me. I got in a bathtub of corn starch and cold water for about 2 hours. that helped alittle....

then my dad went out and got some pure aloe. I put that on and instant relief. if you ever have an itchy sunburn. use aloe!!!!! Pure aloe. I used some aloe lotion crap that we had around the house. that made it 50 times worse!! don't use anything other than pure aloe.

I never wanna go thru that again. *sign*

Hellfighter 06-08-2010 10:41 PM

know the feeling! yup i heard that

Sen 06-09-2010 02:00 AM

I could've sworn Chief got hacked...
must be the username change. LOL

skinny killer 06-09-2010 03:10 AM

lol thanks for the video chief, that cheared me up. :D

ShArP 06-09-2010 11:33 AM


dave61 06-09-2010 03:44 PM


skinny killer 06-09-2010 04:33 PM


RedrumSalad 06-09-2010 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by skinny killer (Post 365641)
I wanna go thru that again.

but it hurt really bad, didn't it? lol

dave61 06-09-2010 08:33 PM

:banana: :band: :rocker:

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