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Sen 10-29-2009 12:46 PM

Take a guess, why don't you.

skinny killer 10-29-2009 03:13 PM


RedrumSalad 10-29-2009 04:55 PM

hes implying nobody likes you but sam and nobody would show up :P

skinny killer 10-29-2009 05:09 PM

No he's implaying that he doesn't like me becuase of my "Anti homo humor".

LOL I couldn't care less. ;)

Sam 10-29-2009 05:36 PM

i already told you guys, i just happen to like Gaz as Sk does SHEEH

skinny killer 10-29-2009 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by Sam (Post 356126)
i already told you guys, i just happen to like Gaz as Sk does SHEEH

Just so you know, I wasn't talking about you I was talking about sean.. ;)

Sam 10-29-2009 05:49 PM


Sen 10-29-2009 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by skinny killer (Post 356122)
No he's implaying that he doesn't like me becuase of my "Anti homo humor".

LOL I couldn't care less. ;)

My real point just breezes past your head so easily ._.
And that's cool, maybe you shouldn't post about it then.

ShadowZ 10-30-2009 03:25 AM

Hey... anybody know anything about the "Urban Assault" mod for JO? Some guy came up and asked me if I knew anything about it...

ShArP 10-30-2009 03:32 PM


skinny killer 10-30-2009 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by Sean™ (Post 356146)
My real point just breezes past your head so easily ._.
And that's cool, maybe you shouldn't post about it then.

you asked for it......

Sam 10-30-2009 04:11 PM


ShArP 10-30-2009 04:40 PM


skinny killer 10-30-2009 05:20 PM


ShArP 10-30-2009 05:37 PM


skinny killer 10-30-2009 07:10 PM


ShArP 10-31-2009 04:40 PM


skinny killer 10-31-2009 05:57 PM

poky dot! :D

ShArP 10-31-2009 11:07 PM


Sam 11-01-2009 05:25 PM


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