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Steve 01-04-2009 07:57 PM

i put a 6 hour timer on this, every time you click it, it will ban Athlon for 30 seconds :D

>> click for temp Athlon ban <<

atholon 01-04-2009 08:20 PM

NICE :) Almost fell for it, go steve!

Chrispy 01-04-2009 08:44 PM

Haha, looked at the URL first thing. You can't fool meh!

ShArP 01-04-2009 08:55 PM


nice url

Hellfighter 01-04-2009 09:53 PM

Steve it don't work! it did on the other hand work on DD account for some reason, i edited it so it work on Chrispy's account

>> click-here for temp-Ban Chrispy 24hrs <<

atholon 01-04-2009 09:53 PM


Hellfighter 01-04-2009 10:14 PM

nice what?

Chrispy 01-04-2009 10:20 PM

That's so unoriginal Chief, since Steve posted it already. :D

Hellfighter 01-04-2009 10:25 PM

oh you spammer! i can't let you feel left out

btw chrispy did you even click-on it?

atholon 01-04-2009 10:35 PM


Chrispy 01-05-2009 12:50 AM

Absolutely not. ;)

atholon 01-05-2009 01:06 AM

Chief should let me make him a sig :)

Hellfighter 01-05-2009 01:13 AM


Originally posted by Chrispy
Absolutely not. ;)
yep thats you alright never even try it then think its the same as steve posted. what a waste

Chrispy 01-05-2009 01:46 AM

Okay, so it's a different link.

ShArP's profile...?!?!

Hellfighter 01-05-2009 02:10 AM

every one loves sharp

atholon 01-05-2009 12:09 PM


RedrumSalad 01-05-2009 03:19 PM

u know, i clicked on the atholon ban thing, :(

RedrumSalad 01-05-2009 03:20 PM

i was caught off guard

Steve 01-05-2009 03:23 PM


Hellfighter 01-05-2009 03:40 PM


Originally posted by RedrumSalad
i was caught off guard
your not the only one, you can bit other have and they not going to say it

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