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Hellfighter 12-18-2008 07:15 AM


Originally posted by RedrumSalad
and what happened to mauser, i mean, i have been on this thread in the past, when mauser was here, but what happened to him? ive been looking at this post for 2 months, thinking of what i could type, then, when i finally do type something, mauser isnt here ftw?
he got him self banned is all
he's history is all

we try time after many times to warn him! but that did not workout, he had to push the limits

ShArP 12-18-2008 08:03 AM


.Simon. 12-18-2008 08:59 AM

wtf mauser got banned!? when did this happen?

ShArP 12-18-2008 03:02 PM

when you weren't here, he just kept on making these long posts about nothing and Steve told him to stop and he didn't so he got banned lol

ahh i found it lol


Originally posted by Mauser 98K
i might not be around nova-hq for much longer, im in a battle of sorts, and they got the power to ban me, powers that be dont like it when you prove them wrong, so if i get banned or something like that, just remember what i have tought and said.

im being slowly shut up, everything i have posted lately has been deleated for it messes with the powers that be calm.

this proves my points i have been making, if the information is not what they want it is made to dissapear.

on 9/27

atholon 12-18-2008 03:45 PM


Matt 12-18-2008 03:47 PM

190 pages later i post in this thread for the first time

his greatness has arrived.

RedrumSalad 12-18-2008 03:59 PM

well, ok, and a response to ur post chrispy, here's u:

ShArP 12-18-2008 04:30 PM


Originally posted by Matt
190 pages later i post in this thread for the first time

his greatness has arrived.


Chrispy 12-18-2008 04:35 PM


Originally posted by RedrumSalad
well, ok, and a response to ur post chrispy, here's u:
LOL awesome picture! I wish I was her!!!!

ShArP 12-18-2008 04:48 PM

and Chris is officially with Micheal Jackson

.Simon. 12-18-2008 04:49 PM

*Edit by Matt*

Hellfighter 12-18-2008 05:01 PM


Originally posted by .Simon.
wtf [nameless] got banned!? when did this happen?
he got banned around:
09-27-2008 10:09 PM
he been banned like 4 or 5 times now!
under other names he try to use

BTW: i beat the hell out of my cat last night, sad there is a lot of broken glass all over the floor

RedrumSalad 12-18-2008 05:18 PM

y did u beat ur cat?

ShArP 12-18-2008 05:22 PM


what other names did he use William?

Hellfighter 12-18-2008 05:54 PM


Originally posted by RedrumSalad
y did u beat ur cat?
i got mad and pick up a glass cat off the Tv-set and thrown it at the wall, in turn there was broken shards all over the floor

Originally posted by ShArP

what other names did he use William?

i'll leave that to unknown history book, really not need to be said.

but i will say admin and me found him sneaking in! less then 2min he was banned again

RedrumSalad 12-18-2008 06:14 PM

o, ok, i thought it was ur real cat, not a glass cat lol

Matt 12-18-2008 06:18 PM


Originally posted by .Simon.
*Edit by Matt*

.Simon. 12-18-2008 06:21 PM

Aww god damn you xD

Chrispy 12-18-2008 07:15 PM


and Chris is officially with Micheal Jackson
Micheal Jackson? Yeah, he's pretty awesome. But if you're talking about Michael Jackson, it's a totally different story. :D

atholon 12-18-2008 07:20 PM


Originally posted by .Simon.
Aww god damn you xD


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