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atholon 08-20-2003 01:45 PM

Novalogic Server Petition
Hola, first of all, I am asking for help on a script, this script will be made in php and it will basically be for a petition, anyone will be able to put it on their site or link to it. I just need some coding help, this petition will request the following and anyone can sign it:

To: Novalogic
Subject: Server Monitors

Hello, recently I and many other players have noticed a huge increase in cheats that go into novaworld servers. It saddens me to think that you create great games, and then allow people to lag your servers and to ruin your customers' experience. I for one am sick of being forced out of a game because every time I respawn after a death I get a knife in the back. I as well as many others ask you to implament some sort of server monitor, these people will be able to punt cheats from nova servers, thus creating less lag and a more enjoyable environment for all of us to play in. These monitors would require no money as they would be doing a service to themselves not just others. Please take this into consideration.

Thanks for your time,

Atholon -

Scott 08-20-2003 04:00 PM

There have been so many of these. Nova dont moniter the servers & they aren't going to hier dedicated staff to do it. They aren't going to let other players do it either, to many immature people will ban people for no reason. Nova dosen't care about petitions and if you got every single player to sign, they still won't listen. People still buy the games. Find a diff server to play in.

Diamond Bullet 08-20-2003 04:01 PM

He's right... :(

RËVØ£ÛTÎØѫź¹» 08-20-2003 05:40 PM

I can be a fukn dedicated staff , and boot and ban the fukas :D trust me ill hack NW and fuk em up hehe , whos wit me?

S MC 08-20-2003 05:56 PM

Yeah, it's an old story.
But some games use punkbuster in their game and it look like it works far as I know.
Would be nice if NW would think just a little bit more on the many players in the DF-series.
If a clan server isn't monitored good enough one player can ruin it all, but the guys are right. Find some servers you have a good feel about and stick to them.

BeBop 08-20-2003 06:14 PM

been done before... failed miserable... hack nova you will be prosecuted to the utmost limits of the law... you buy the game you play it, live with it... its just a game im sure you can survive a few knifes in the back

EDGE 08-20-2003 06:42 PM

No i agree with zorro they need to have atleast a program running on each nova game to stop these cheats. It wont take alot of effort. But also panther has a point cause now-a-days alot of gamer companys only worry about how many games they sell hand how much money they make. They dont care about how there customers experiance the game play.

teej 08-20-2003 06:46 PM

No i agree with zorro they need to have atleast a program running on each nova game to stop these cheats. It wont take alot of effort. But also panther has a point cause now-a-days alot of gamer companys only worry about how many games they sell hand how much money they make. They dont care about how there customers experiance the game play. hey can i of the moderators delet the sirsmack post. I thought i was signed into my name. Sirsmack is my bro

blueprint 08-20-2003 06:47 PM


Originally posted by gensteelebb
No i agree with zorro they need to have atleast a program running on each nova game to stop these cheats.
they actually don't have to do anything. You bought the game knowing full well there would be cheats. the only way to get anything changed is to stop buying there games, as long as they're still getting your money, they won't care if you are upset about the game

lil_dude 08-20-2003 07:29 PM

yeah just dont buy the game, if host a server ban the fers, if u play in one juss leave and report the server somewhere and no one will go to it.

score 08-20-2003 08:01 PM


Originally posted by Panther
There have been so many of these. Nova dont moniter the servers & they aren't going to hier dedicated staff to do it. They aren't going to let other players do it either, to many immature people will ban people for no reason. Nova dosen't care about petitions and if you got every single player to sign, they still won't listen. People still buy the games. Find a diff server to play in.
He's right, sad to say, but he is right :mad:

BeBop 08-20-2003 09:06 PM

you say 'easy' to add a program to stop cheats, they would have to CONSTANTLY update it, requiring a good sized staff team to keep up with all there game title's cheats etc... maybe if they got rid of singleplayer cheats it would help

CapN'C*cksucker 08-20-2003 09:09 PM

Don't buy the games? That's like trying to tell a crack addict "just don't smoke it!"

atholon 08-20-2003 09:27 PM

Wow, I did not think that this many people would reply. I have one thing to say about the program monitor, it would not have to be updated constantly because most of those people who use hacks, and even some that make them, don't know crap about programming. Besides there are a lot of programmers that are customers, some could help make that program, it would not have to be novalogic made, just there. I went into Kya Country in good 'ole df2 and they said the same thing about the server petition, it is sad to see how crappy novalogic has become, they make great games but have 0 customer service. My friend bought operation flashpoint and he sent a question in, he got a rply with solution that same day, with novalogic you are lucky to even GET a response. Also, what is punkbuster? I am going to find a way not to have to hack the server's computer, I will do it how cheats do :)

BeBop 08-20-2003 09:31 PM

you hack nova's computer ill show them this post and have you arrested for federal crimes, you shouldnt hack novalogics servers just because you dont like cheats... go find a public one, and plus i doubt you COULD hack them... im sure they have quite a bit of security

atholon 08-20-2003 09:34 PM

Hmm well do cheats actually hack nova's servers? I don't think so. They manipulate their computer's files. I never said that I was going to hack nova's computers, and it would be very dumb if I did. I am going to find a way to manipulate my computer in a way that I can either be unable to be killed by a cheat or something else.

blueprint 08-20-2003 10:19 PM


Originally posted by CapN'Colostomy
Don't buy the games? That's like trying to tell a crack addict "just don't smoke it!"

no actually it's not. It's like telling someone who goes to a restauraunt but doesn't like the service, to not go there anymore. once they start losing customers, they will see there's something they will need to change. Thats what I meant

atholon 08-20-2003 10:28 PM

I don't think that will work untill these first person shooters get more competitive, like EA games comes out with a better graphics everything than blackhawk down, kind of like BF 1942, I wanted to buy that game so bad!

atholon 08-20-2003 10:31 PM

Surge 08-21-2003 01:04 AM

Why not insted of everyone all the time trying to submit a petition to nova just create a "Respected Server" list. A list that has all the "Respected Servers" (non-cheat) listed. That way ppl will know which servers are good. You could also do a list for "Cheat Servers" (cheaters) so ppl know which servers not to goto.

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