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Matrix 03-31-2003 01:26 PM

Cheaters/Glitchers, Their Back.....
It only takes a week to catch a glitcher/cheater in BHD. Check out these fine pics of a rifle barrel minus the sniper.

Why would you lay prone on a walled roof to snipe? Answer, pretend like the wall is not there. Haven't seen much of that since DF2/LW.

Hellfighter 03-31-2003 06:22 PM same as DF2 has this same glitch also make it easyer to kill them look for something out of place and frag them but good :)

have to ask why you posted up 5 time the same pic thats a bet much one would have been good?

try to make the cheater/glitch user or other players know of this glitch to use them why can't you tell other's to do a patch by add in a wall to these glitch area would be better?

Matrix 03-31-2003 09:26 PM

I am not trying to get my balls broken, I am just exposing a problem. I will post as many shots I would like since I own that website and server.

As for the patch, there isn't anyone who will hear the battlecry and patch the game. Trust me, it is up to the community to black list cheaters and glitchers.

Hellfighter 03-31-2003 10:13 PM

yea its up to the host to patch the glitch a really good host know how to fix it too.

as for NL doing a patch on this builden don't hold your breath i really don't think they ever will. only patch holes that has to with hackers trainers and bugs a builden is not a big thing to them.sorry its a dead end as we know there are glitches in DF:TFD they never fix them at all or patch them ether only a host or a map maker can fix these glitch's and repack them back in so the glitch be gone.

a glitch user is a lam-o player thats all can't really call them cheater.

a cheater is one who is using a trainer sample a speed freak or wall cheat these are for the most part are real cheater.and should be banned from all host game area NL & gamers area as will as for lam-o player you see some one using glitch 1-punt them before doing so tell them why then punt them out 2nd time around ban them for good.

Only for Game that one has to a active account to log-in
you can also do a cheater report too
1.) e-mail
2.) Subject line: cheater report
3.) in the e-mail:Below: A-F
A.) cheater name:
B.) Type of Cheat: speed or what ever or even using glitch.
C.) were: (Game Name & server Name) were you seen them doing it.
D.) Time & Date:it happen.
E.) Picture Taken: SS003.pcx or .jpg or .jpeg
F.) Remark: add a note or other info you feel you need to add to it make it short and clean. they don't like heated words at all they will block your email for doing so.

On the other hand showing these glitchs make more look for them to use you should tell other what the builden name is and how to fix it so there be no glitch to be use in this case it help more then showing off it.

Matrix 04-01-2003 07:29 AM

Thanks for the info, however, I generally dont login and most of the games I play are public, so I am not sure if others login as well.

I am not waiting for NL to ever patch the game for cheats such as that. That is not a glitch though, if it was, I would be able to duplicate it on my server. I saw that, then I put up a private server and tried to see if it was a glitch or something more. Since I could not seem to dupe it, I will consider it a cheat.

As for a good host patching the server, lol, you make it seem like most of the servers out there aren't in fact run by 15 yr-old kids. Most server hosts don't have the ability to debug and address issues like that. You say, "most good hosts", I am sure some do, however the numbers are so small it is unreal.

DeadBoltdf2 04-01-2003 07:53 AM

I have a question on glitching for bhd. In df2 it was/is common courtesy use the F5 and F6 keys to take a peek at your positioning to see if you were in a glitch (other than the fact that most diehard df2'rs know where all the glitches are anyway) and then move.

So, how do you have a look at yourself in bhd -- the 3rd person view just don't seem to give you the required viewing angles.


Matrix 04-01-2003 08:07 AM

YOu use like the F 3 or 4 key then the numpad to move around. You are right though, it does not offer a sweeping view in most cases.

Sal UK 04-01-2003 11:16 AM

As in df2 I used to use walls ect to stop the glitches.And with the 3D Wireframe in BHD it makes it even better its just finding the glitches, and then when you build your maps place things in the way of glitches.or you could get your own back on glichers and put a trigger in the part of the building where the glitch appears,So what ever the trigger you set up you know who is trying to cheat.Then kick their ass out of the game.

Matt 04-01-2003 02:43 PM

There's glitches in every game ever made. It's bound to happen, and people will use them. Not much anyone can do about it. :(

Steve 04-01-2003 04:08 PM

it gives away his position a treat. nuke the guy.

Hellfighter 04-03-2003 11:46 PM

you see a glitch user tell them off then punt them out they do it 2nd time around ban them for good.

P.s use the ban log then quit the game when finsh you save the log files so when you host them game again they are already listed again without have to ban them again 2nd time around they be listed.

For more Detail click-on link below:
Host commands for all DF: Serials

Hi Deadblotdf2
good to see you as always

CapN'C*cksucker 04-04-2003 01:53 AM

RE: Cheaters and Glitchers are back.

You mean they left?

Matrix 04-04-2003 07:27 AM


Originally posted by CapN'Colostomy
RE: Cheaters and Glitchers are back.

You mean they left?

You can always hope they did, but usually they just go into hiding till the next trainer comes out.

acemark41 04-06-2003 03:35 AM

Just a point I'd like to make guys. I was playing last night and was accused of lagging/cheating etc. in one incident i ducked behind a wall, as this guy was coming along in front of me. So, I step out sideways from behind the wall and fire off a few rounds then duck back again, I do this two or three times before i get the guy and then up comes the "wall hack cheat" message. I don't cheat (and hate it when others do, by the way). So what happens when the guy, who obviously thinks I was cheating, mails Nova and trys to get me banned?????

CapN'C*cksucker 04-06-2003 04:21 AM

Is no proof required? Just some jackasses say so is good enough for a banning? That's a bit harsh if that's the case...

Matrix 04-06-2003 03:18 PM


Originally posted by acemark41
Just a point I'd like to make guys. I was playing last night and was accused of lagging/cheating etc. in one incident i ducked behind a wall, as this guy was coming along in front of me. So, I step out sideways from behind the wall and fire off a few rounds then duck back again, I do this two or three times before i get the guy and then up comes the "wall hack cheat" message. I don't cheat (and hate it when others do, by the way). So what happens when the guy, who obviously thinks I was cheating, mails Nova and trys to get me banned?????
Did you happen to see the screenshots that were posted on the original thread, capturing it is proof enough.

CapN'C*cksucker 04-07-2003 02:24 AM

Yeah. I saw the screenshots. But if this guy wasn't cheating, there won't be any screenshots of him cheating, now will there? He said the guy accusing him of cheating thought he had a wall hack, not that the FBI had photos of him.

Matrix 04-07-2003 07:26 AM


Originally posted by CapN'Colostomy
Yeah. I saw the screenshots. But if this guy wasn't cheating, there won't be any screenshots of him cheating, now will there? He said the guy accusing him of cheating thought he had a wall hack, not that the FBI had photos of him.
I am sorry, I was just trying to keep this a thread about cheating/glitching and not bitching/moaning. It seems however I lost that battle.

Kelisis 04-07-2003 05:48 PM

Well, I understand all your opinions and agree with some of you. And many times I have been accused of hacking/cheating. But, then I have to remember that person what "skill" is. Anyways, back-on-topic, I haven't ran into a hacker yet. But, I have seen like in the pictures Matrix captured people's guns sticking through the walls. Now, we always have to take this into granit. Some games have problems of people's legs sticking through the walls etc. That is really a graphics glitch, but most of the time when it looks that way, the person can't see through. But, if a person is laying there just with his gun sticking out, I would have to assume he is some how hacking. Well, I am going to search the internet for Black Hawk Down hacks and cheats and then report the sites to Nova Logic, so they can shut down those rat bastard hackers! Please, other people help me in this too. Because there is only one way people could be getting this hacks. From some gay ass site! So, report this lamo hackers. There is some hope. We can atleast ban the constant cheaters. May hackers/cheaters burn in hell!!! Well, atleast Nova-Logic hell! :P

CapN'C*cksucker 04-07-2003 09:10 PM

"I am sorry, I was just trying to keep this a thread about cheating/glitching and not bitching/moaning. It seems however I lost that battle."

That's funny, because all of my posts have regarded cheating and hacking in this thread (with the exception of this response to your saying I was "bitching/moaning"). All the "bitching/moaning" is in YOUR post, which I quoted above. And while I'm on it, the entire purpose of the thread as far as I can tell is to bitch/moan about "cheating/glitching". A thread YOU started, I might add. Smartass.

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